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Search results for query: *

  1. MBaraz

    Clustering/Fail-over installation mentor

    OK, thanx guys. we're working out a plan "B
  2. MBaraz

    Clustering/Fail-over installation mentor

    It isn't VM failover I am looking for, I am looking for each of the Windows guests to be highly available. The question is how to stand up the Windows (guest) 2008 servers in a cluster so if one fails the other(s) in the cluster continue to process the requests. My own little naive mind says it...
  3. MBaraz

    Clustering/Fail-over installation mentor

    That is not happy news. Do they have the same restrictions on Hyper-V guests? -- Michael Baraz Building data-driven, high-performance, massively-scaleable, infinitely extensible, über websites
  4. MBaraz

    Clustering/Fail-over installation mentor

    We are doing a complete technology refresh. We got 4 DL-385 servers running VM ESXi each with 3-4 Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition server guests. Some will be web servers others database servers. We need to create two Windows 2008 clusters with fail-over within each. Then we need to set up SQL...
  5. MBaraz

    Show SQL command (syntax)

    I am doing a large ETL type import, reading XLS file and pushing to all DB tables. I want to log all the inserts for validation and tracability. I have the @@IDENTITY valie and all the substitution variable values but not in a tidy display. I could do a save as with the action page debug...
  6. MBaraz

    Show SQL command (syntax)

    I have debugging turned on but you only get the benefit if the query is on the page you finish... also, I wanted to writ it to a log for some testing I am doing. Duplicating the code seems crude, though I have been doing it up till I have a hairy insert that I just figured there is a better...
  7. MBaraz

    Show SQL command (syntax)

    Anybody know how to show the SQL that was actually sent to the database from a CFQUERY? For example: <CFSET FldVal = "BIG"> <CFQUERY name="qry_See_Code"> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE aCol = '#FldVal#' </CFQUERY> I want to code something like: <CFOUTPUT>#qry_See_Code.SQL#</CFOUTPUT> and see...
  8. MBaraz

    Server 2003 SP1: external access disappears

    I have dug thru a few of these... but haven't seen anything that relates to losing the external ability to connect after several hours... a policy should be always not sometimes or after a while, righr?!? Still have to figure this out, it is killing me! thanx (again)... -- Michael Baraz...
  9. MBaraz

    Server 2003 SP1: external access disappears

    I installed SP1 on Windows Server 2003. I use it as a DNS and web server. Since then after a while I can no longer access many services on the server, such as ping-ing a domain, accessing via terminal service, web sites via browser, etc. In essense it looks like there is a firewall is in place...
  10. MBaraz

    CF5 on Server 2003/Windows 2003/IIS6 installation fails

    I cannot get ColdFusion 5 enterpirse to run on Server 2003/IIS6. I have followed the instruction provided http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/ts/documents/install_cf_win2003.htm. IIS6 is working in same directory since the static HTML pages...
  11. MBaraz

    Where can I find a basic SQL primer?

    A Gentle Introduction to SQL http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~andrew/sql/
  12. MBaraz

    OUTER JOIN restricted

    Excellent... thanks so much! -- Michael Baraz Building data-driven, high-performance, massively-scaleable, infinitely extensible, über websites
  13. MBaraz

    OUTER JOIN restricted

    I thought this was going to be simple... and I'll bet it is if you know the answer... I am trying to create a list of all possible items from reference table (ProdPriceClass) and show the discounts for each one from other table (ProdUserGroupPriceClass); if there in no matching row in...
  14. MBaraz

    gui for sql?

    Another nice tool is WinSQL (runs only on Windows platforms). See it at http://www.indus-soft.com/winsql/ -- Michael Baraz Building data-driven, high-performance, massively-scaleable, infinitely extensible, über websites
  15. MBaraz

    What does ^ op do?

    This is a bitwise XOR. Returns a one in a bit position if bits of one but not both operands are one. Bookmark this and pray it never goes away: http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/index.html Regards...
  16. MBaraz

    Pls Help!! Error in Explorer 4.0 but not Netscape!

    I am not sure exactly what's going on here but I surmise the problem is elements needs to be subscripted with [i]. Looks like 'len' should be the number of elements in form1. Also, what's going on with form2?
  17. MBaraz

    can't get iis working with 2k

    Matt was saying you need thru the menus to Administrative tools and click on Internet Services Manager. You must be logged in as a member of the administrator group. If so and you still don't see it go to Windows Exploer and go to the folder &quot;C:\Documents and Settings\[your_login_id]\Start...
  18. MBaraz

    .js Files

    Michael, the client will not see the .js file contents by viewing source but if they look in their browser cache it will be there. Netscape does name mangling but IE leaves the original name. My experience is you'll need to do server side stuff if you want to truly hide the code. Regards...
  19. MBaraz

    Sort &lt;SELECT&gt; list

    Is there a way to sort the options in a <SELECT> list without moving it to arrays or list and back? TIA
  20. MBaraz

    IIS 4.0 not able to see localhost or

    The answer lies in the proxy settings.... I have this machine on the inside of the firewall. Therefore the browser was set to the gateway IP... that machine does not resolve 127.0.01 nor localhost for other machines. Therefore I needed to put an exclusion in the browser for these two IP...

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