I am in the process of activating Windows Terminal Server(Standard Edition) on a Windows Server 2003 operating system. Is there a default number of CAL's included or do I have to purchase them to use Terminal Server ? Thank you.
I have succeeded in establishing the fill class but now am getting:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\comcatch\db1.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
If the connection is there the lock file for da1.mdb is...
Hello, I am trying to display an MS Access table in a web form. I am using C# ASP.NET as the project type. I first drag the OleDBAdapter to the form and form a connection with the Data Base, it tests ok. I then generate a data set which points at the DB. Then I drag a data grid onto the form and...
I wish to MS SharePoint Portal Server with the ISA Server to provide a high level security. In the whitepaper on deploying an Extranet with MS SPS 2003 and ISA Server 2004
a peripheral network "dual screened subnet" or back to back perimeter network is outlined. In this there is an...
I am working with a sample program from a tutorial in Visual C++.NET. I cannot
get the add reference dialogue box to even show as an option, I have pulled down Project on the main menu and I have right clicked solution explorer -no such option and no result- is this because I am using...
Hello, I am getting the following error msg:
fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive
I am trying to compile the following sample code in Visual C++.NET.
#include <afxwin.h>
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
I have an Access data base which has been idle for days
and although no one is using it, the ldb file is open and I can't delete the data base. Can you help? Thank you.
Hi k, maybe this is clearer.
Crystal 7.0
ODBC Connectivity
Trying to use the select expert in Crystal Report Designer, and 'Text' type fields from an Access Database are not an option to restrict on. They are also not an option to sort by.
Thank you for your reply.
I spoke with my local Crystal guy and he told me to reformulate my question as I am unexperienced in Crystal as follows:
Crystal 7.0
ODBC Connectivity
Trying to use the select expert in Crystal Report Designer, and 'Text' type fields from an Access Database are not an...
Thank you K.
I am using ODBC to connect to Access.
The data item e.g. "RE111-205J1206" is a data type of text.
The field is called Part Number.
Can I search for this in Crystal? I think you have said no.
The only fields that seem searchable are numeric types.
The reason I am trying to do this...
I am importing a list of part numbers from Excel to Access, and creating a model table. The data base contains a preexisting table of all part numbers, I will call this a master table. I wish to write a query that will use the imported model table and extract every occurence of each of...
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