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Search results for query: *

  1. scrimej

    Show a PDF FIeld in SSRS

    I have a SQL Server 2005 database field defined as VarBinary(max). The contents of the field are an uploaded PDF document. Is there a way to display this field as a pdf in Reporting Services 2005? Are there other options for displaying this field as maybe a link to download the document...
  2. scrimej

    Merge Replication and Interactive Conflict Resolution

    I have successfully set up merge replication from a laptop running Sql Server Express to a Server running SQL Server 2005. I have been trying to figure out Interactive Conflict Resolution for days with no luck. The message I get during Synchronization using Microsoft Sync Manager is "The merge...
  3. scrimej

    Performance Issues with Web Enabling SSRS Reports

    We have been using SSRS for almost a year now. Up until now, all of our reports have been internal to our network users. We are now looking at publishing a few of these reports to the internet and I was looking for some opinions, advice, warnings... on doing this. Most of our concerns are...
  4. scrimej

    SRS 2005, Excel, ODBC, "Cannot Create Connection.."

    I am using an Excel ODBC connection to create a SRS 2005 report with a dataset resulting from a query of data in the excel file. My problem is that if either a) the excel file is open or b) the development environment is open, I get a message in the live environment that it cannot create a...
  5. scrimej

    Anyone Successfully Using Reporting Services like this

    I am looking for a way, perhaps through the SQL Server 2005 report web service? of generating web reports accessible on a webserver in my DMZ. Scenerio is that my sql / reporting server is on my lan and the reports are available directly from my report server using Windows authentication. The...
  6. scrimej

    Restore DBF from CDX

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, I quickly bailed on the idea of even trying to reconstruct the table from the index and went to the backup tape. Jeremy
  7. scrimej

    Restore DBF from CDX

    Yes, just trying to save them from losing 1/2 day of work.
  8. scrimej

    Restore DBF from CDX

    I have an application in VFP7. Users can't explain what happened. All I know is that a table with over 12000 records a year ago has 8 records today. All eight records were added today. I was able to find a deleted copy of the cdx file in the recycle bin and am almost positive based on...
  9. scrimej

    rsErrorExecutingCommand, Cannot Open File

    unclerico, Thanks for the post. It turns out that the Execution Account is the key for VFP. This account must have the necessary permissions on the remote server and using OLE DB with a VFP data source, set the data source to no credentials and everything works fine.
  10. scrimej

    rsErrorExecutingCommand, Cannot Open File

    Do you mean in Reporting Services Configuration, the option that is labeled: "Windows Service Identity". I also see "Web Service Identity" and "Execution Account", or should I be looking elsewhere for this information. Thanks for your quick response! Jeremy
  11. scrimej

    SQL Reporting Services

    Is anyone using SQL Reporting services to access VFP Dbc's. I had a scenario working where the SRS and VFP data were all on the same server. I was able to successfully run a SRS report on a VFP database using VFPOLEDB. Since, I have moved the SRS to it's own server and I am trying to access...
  12. scrimej

    rsErrorExecutingCommand, Cannot Open File

    I was running the 180 day trial version of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a server that also housed a Visual FoxPro table. The server is running Windows Server 2003. We liked the product enough that we purchased a new server just to house the SQL Server 2005 and SRS. When I moved all...
  13. scrimej

    Creating a Variable Web Address

    I have been working with our Web Developer on this and he has been able to use http://reportserver/reports where reportserver is the variable name we are using to redirect and reports is the virtual directory created in SRS. Are you able to go to the top level address like you say "reports" and...
  14. scrimej

    Creating a Variable Web Address

    We are running SQL Server 2005 on a Windows 2003 Server. To access the reports we go to http://servername/reports. Having that hard coded server name bothers me in the sense that if all of our users and websites point to "servername" and then we move this product to another server we have a...
  15. scrimej

    WhilePrintingRecords Functionality

    I am converting from Crystal Reports and currently using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. In Crystal I could accomplish a lot of tasks using the whileprintingrecords method. I have a data set with 3 levels of grouping. Group 1 we'll call Program Code, Group 2 we'll call Person, and Group3...
  16. scrimej


    Using FoxPro 9.0 Trying to create a CSV file using the COPY TO command and would like to know if there is an automated way of removing the field names from the first record? Thanks, Jeremy
  17. scrimej

    FoxPro Command Window

    Has anyone implemented a way of duplicating the command window functionality from with a compiled exe program. I would like to be able to type command window commands such as use exclusive, modify stru.... Thanks, Jeremy

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