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Search results for query: *

  1. DeZiner

    'OR' overriding 'AND'

    So Simple, yet works like a charm! Kudos. In your opinion is performance better one way over the other? DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  2. DeZiner

    'OR' overriding 'AND'

    I'm having a logic issue with my SQL statement. I'm building a SQL string based on form data. Here's an example of the final WHERE clause: TITLE = 'Advertising Manager' OR TITLE = 'Advertising Assoc' OR TITLE = 'Advertising VP' AND STATE LIKE '%ca%' AND FIRSTNAME LIKE '%Chuck%' My issue is...
  3. DeZiner

    DIS-Allow Multiple Logins, same username / Password

    Thanks for the reply. I found this tutorial, I believe by endless searching here at TT (I forget now) but with a little tweaking it's working great! http://tutorial12.easycfm.com/ DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  4. DeZiner

    DIS-Allow Multiple Logins, same username / Password

    I would like to only allow a user to be logged in on one PC at a time to avoid username/password sharing. I would also like to accomplish this without logging them in and out of the database if possible. Right now, I write to an application variable their userid once they login, or check if...
  5. DeZiner

    Searching data that has an apostrophe

    Never used it before so I looked it up at macromedia. I'm builing the sql on the fly. So here's what I tried notice the second one below: <CFIF TRIM(FORM.SELECT2) NEQ ""> <CFSET SQL = "#SQL# AND REGION LIKE '%#TRIM(FORM.SELECT2)#%'"> </CFIF> <CFIF TRIM(FORM.COMPANY) NEQ ""> <CFSET SQL = "#SQL#...
  6. DeZiner

    Searching data that has an apostrophe

    A field in the database contains for example, the word Lowe's with the apostrophe. I want to be able to search for that string. When the apost. is used, CF errors out. I can currently sure for lowe becuase I'm using LIKE in the query however lowes returns none and lowe's errors. Using Access...
  7. DeZiner

    Limited number of addresses to forward to???

    Figured this one out and thought to let everyone know. You are limited to 110 characters of email addresses or so, about 4 addresses. I had to create a group alias. Then list the addresses in the text box in the alias admin area. It automatically created the text file that contains the email...
  8. DeZiner

    Limited number of addresses to forward to???

    I've set about a dozen addresses to forward to from one address on the domain. It forwards to the first 5 or so, then i also get a reply from postmaster stating that one of the addresses is not recognized. Funny thing, the address is cut short by about 6 characters. So, I'm thinking there's a...
  9. DeZiner

    FTP to non-Windows server

    Go get cute ftp or ws ftp. You can find both free at download.com and it's just like using windows explorer. Log into the site on the right pane, local files are on the left. go to the public_html or www folder of the site and load all directories from the left pane. DeZiner Never be afraid to...
  10. DeZiner

    Display IP address

    Check: http://javascript.internet.com/user-details/ip-address.html It's free JS. DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  11. DeZiner

    creating an order form?

    FP Can't do it, but javascript, asp, and others can. If you have a credit card processor do they give you code to do any of this? If you have more than a few products a shopping cart is the way to go. Also, for FP check out Frontcart.com, not sure if it's still around. Also a great one is...
  12. DeZiner

    schedulted task dont' run but log file says it did

    Have you checked the mail logs rather than the task log? there is bad email log and sent email log. What do you see there? DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  13. DeZiner

    how to manage a group of checkboxes?

    Assuming your value for these checkboxes are for example 1, 2, 3, and 4 on question 1. The user clicks 2 & 3 you can check the value: <cfoutput>#form.q1#</cfoutput> will return 2,3 in a comma delimeted list. You can then use listcontains(#form.q1#, "2") to see if it contained the correct...
  14. DeZiner

    return querey in rows and columns

    Check FAQ: faq232-3697 DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  15. DeZiner

    Secure FTP available?

    ksoong, I've been looking and posted here at TT for the same thing with no results. This may help you and possibly together we can figure this one out. I've created a .bat file that uses scp2 to transfer files in batch mode from local sever to remote server. SCP2 is executed from F-Secure...
  16. DeZiner

    Probs with counters

    Clear your cache and cookies. Close the browser then open a fresh one and visit the site. You are most likely getting a cached version of the site and not a fresh load. You can also hit CTRL + F5 to force a new page refresh DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs...
  17. DeZiner

    Java Script Issues -

    What is not running? What should the JS be doing? DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  18. DeZiner

    onmouseover, hover, fprolloverstyle

    Ultimately nothing. Hover is used for link objects (hyperlinks), mouse overs are used for images by JavaScript and FPblahblah is FronPages version of the above. DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic
  19. DeZiner

    Problem running js in cfm page

    Curious: here&#39;s Appears in: <!-- //Usage: writeRichText(fieldname, html, width, height, buttons) writeRichText('staffPageText', 'here&#39;s the "<em>preloaded</em> <b>content</b>"', 400, 200, true, false); //--> Wonder if doubling up the # would allow CF to escape it without breaking the...
  20. DeZiner

    Link color SAME as Visited Color

    Please post the code you are currently using so we have an understading if you are using css or link colors in the body tag or font colors, etc. DeZiner Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic

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