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Search results for query: *

  1. HughLerwill

    Checking network drive "heartbeat"?

    Ref. https://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1560292 can help but WMI can be disabled so take care.
  2. HughLerwill

    Return the text of a VBA function

    >why would you want it? Maybe to pop up a message saying "Error in MyFunction" in an error trapping routine; but I think there is no way other than hardcoding it.
  3. HughLerwill

    Show DB data in MaksEdBox

    Looks like you got it!
  4. HughLerwill

    SORT item in combobox

    With respect that looks like a pretty straightforward reverse text sort
  5. HughLerwill

    Show DB data in MaksEdBox

    Sorry Andy but I get no error when I run the code from a command button click. The required format is shown when the MaskedEditBox (MEB) does not have focus, when it does have focus the plain unformatted number is shown. Tested (and re-tested) using a new Form with a new Command button, a new...
  6. HughLerwill

    SORT item in combobox

    >i need to sort items from 01/12/2016 - 31/12/2016 to 01/01/2016 - 31/01/2016 Apologies if I am being dim but I keep reading that and still cannot envisage what the sorted list is supposed to look like. Please post the list in the required sorted order.
  7. HughLerwill

    Show DB data in MaksEdBox

    How about something like; MaskEdBox1.Format = "" '1 MaskEdBox1.Text = "" '2 MaskEdBox1.Format = "(###)###-####" '3 MaskEdBox1.Text = "1235551212" '4
  8. HughLerwill

    Microsoft to get more "pushy" about upgrades to Win X

    Seems like the pony got out of the stable a long time ago regarding cell phones, then smart phones and now the Internet of Things, so what exactly is the big privacy deal regarding the few remaining desktop pcs when many of them will be talking to a smart phone or your refrigerator anyway. We've...
  9. HughLerwill

    Compiled program icon has Windows Shield on it

    >If your program "smells like" a legacy setup ... Which often means the exe has a name like or including strings like 'setup', 'update', 'upgrade', 'install' etc. e.g. SETUP.EXE What exe file names are you using?
  10. HughLerwill

    Is Office 2016 available on CD/DVD

    Thanks again for your help.
  11. HughLerwill

    Is Office 2016 available on CD/DVD

    Is Office 2016 available (in UK) on CD/DVD, I can only seem to find download licence keys. If yes some links would be good. I'm looking for Pro but could manage with Home and Biz. TIA
  12. HughLerwill

    Happy Christmas

    Hope you had a happy one and best wishes for the New Year.
  13. HughLerwill


    >then there is a built-in API function that'll do it. Thanks for vbGetNextFileName ...
  14. HughLerwill

    Why am I still getting updates for XP

    Microsoft Security Essentials continues to work (as best it can I guess, albeit with constant nags that the OS is unsupported) and continues to be updated.
  15. HughLerwill

    Get Control Position ref Parent

    Like very much. Thanks for your help again.
  16. HughLerwill

    Get Control Position ref Parent

    I have the following which works well but I'm sure there a couple of API's which would do the job more smoothly Private Function GetControlPosRefForm(ByVal Ctrl As Object) As POINTAPI 'Returns the position of a Control, possibly nested inside Containers, with reference to the coordinates...
  17. HughLerwill

    destination folder depending on month

    guitarzan - Oops and thanks...
  18. HughLerwill

    destination folder depending on month

    Instead of the 12 ifs you are using now consider a single line something like; objFSO.CopyFile "C:\log1\*.*" , "Z:\iRT\IT\test\" & Format$(Now(), "mmm"), OverwriteExisting
  19. HughLerwill

    Problem with the DBGrid32.ocx from 2010

    >I'm not so sure about that... Hmmm that's interesting because I have a personal use app with the option of applying the manifest to itself at run time(to make use of Common Controls 6) ; i.e. you click an option in the app, the manifest file is generated on the fly, and then the app restarts...
  20. HughLerwill

    Problem with the DBGrid32.ocx from 2010

    Something which occasionally helps a manifest file to 'take' (overcome the cache presumably) is to make sure the exe files last modified date is later than the manifest files last modified date, i.e. the exe is newer.

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