Because if I want to make it match I need to have that in a text file.. so I can match it up
I am scanning from some old mars scanner the actually scans barcodes of the items in our factory the format looks like this when I scan:
I01B201RC07GF1RJ 07700
I01B201RC07GF1R8J 10000...
Forgive me maybe I might not be explaining correctly but I am starting off by going to IM->Process->Inventory Count->Physical Count Selection
In this step I create a batch called Sept14 with starting with Tag # 633212
Step #2 I go to BC->Trx->Import->Import Physical Counts using the ODB file...
Ok please help - On Macola 7.6.400b
I have just finished doing a physical inventory of all the parts in our warehouse which consist of about 9000 items.
I use some old Mars scanners and convert them into a file according to Macola specifications for importing an ODB file see below:
C 674825...
We just had a power outage Got the PC back up now we get error message "couldn't connect to database:<company name> Check MACSQL.CFG"
Withing Query Analyzer I cannot see our <company name> database in the list of databases.. is there a way to restore?
Thank you in advance for any guidance...
On Progression 7.6.400b
I am trying to find a report for A/R I want to know what is due to be paid to us in 30/60/90/120 days, I have already tried the Cash Projection report which is not accurate because it is missing many orders that we have.. for example Order date 3/1/2010 and Req Ship...
Yes that shows my changes perfectly and then I post succesfully... But when I try to Reseq Component Items, this keeps coming back with an error message "you must post engineering changes before running process"
I have a bill of materials that I took out a few line numbers in the middle and now the bom has missing numbers example: 5.. 10.. 20..30 .. 35...
I took out 15 25 etc.. so I figured/want to re-sequence them to 5 10 15 20 25
I posted my Engineering Changes.. and then working on a bill of...
Hello all I am running 7.6.400b and was wondering does anyone know the preset Vendor types in the search filed of AP _> Maintain _> Vendor Types mean? Like I have a list of 30 preset items with things called AD TYPE VENDOR or CAR TYPE VENDOR? see list below
Here is a list would love to know...
We have no intergration with Salesforce as of now.. but if you figure out how to do it I would love to know how and about how much you charged your client for this.
So then how do I get all my other USERNAMES on the system to see this same ORDER VIEW? Do I have to now create a new screenset for all 50 of my users?
And no I dont know what the MACOLAED is
Thanks again I am almost there!
Ok I am making progress.. I was able to do this on the form for the TRX->Order entry page to add user defined field 5 for example.. but when I try to make that field appear on the corresponding screenset OEHDRINF it says "Macola Screenset cannot be changed"
We don't have any intergration with Salesforce at all thats why we need to create a custom field in Macaola's order entry to be able to put in custom Quote numbers from Salesforce.
Sorry.. I added the field on the screen for Order Entry
I wasn't aware of any quote function built in.. but anyways we use an outside program (SALESFORCE) and then type the order in manually into Macola when the order is received.
We Are using the Progression SQL 7.6.400b and its MS SQL - SQL...
I added a field in the Order entry screen called quote # and I want to be able to see this field or something similiar in the Order Header file when I view history but there is no way to modify the screenset oehdrinf to do this .. Do I have to use Flex or is there a better way. We are trying to...
Ok to answer a few questions we have a multibin system I guess because we have same item located in different locations for example Item 1 is kept in stock and then an overstock area in the top of our warehouse. I could solve this issue by fixing it in Excel Before importing
And yes we did...
I dont think we have a barcode /WMS inventory system.. other than a little utility that convert the raw bar code scans from our MARS barcode scanners into a format like this:
C 1000 000000010.0000 LB-1234-B10 WH...
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