When you have a replica set, it is always advisable to make any change in the design master then synchronize to pass change round. However, you may make any member of the set the design master by synchronizing and specifying the member. Note that you should not have more than one design master...
Try using parameters in the query that generates the report.
E.g. for date field, enter for criteria: - "Between [Start date] and [End date]". For the name field, enter "[Enter name]".
Hope this is helpful
Use the bookmark property of the form to synchronize with your record source bookmark property after updating your text fields. This updates your record instantly enabling you to immediately preview in report.
Hope this is helpful.
I get the same message as you and I think that this is from Outlook2003 and has to do with some security settings. All I do is to acknowledge the message and the mail goes.
First you need to make an excel template file(*.xlt) and format the way you desire. From MsAccess, instantiate this xlt file, place what you want to place in it and then save as an xls file.
Hope this works. i do this all the time.
Try opening MS Access on its own: - Any errors?
If no errors, then open your DB from the opened Access. What is your observation?
If MS Access can't open on its own, then a reinstallation may be the best option.
Note: a descriptive error message will help.
By the way, what OS are you using...
Try this
First create a sample DB on the trouble PC, add a form and textbox control, run it and observe the out come. If same problem. Then PC must have a problem.
Hope this gives you a clue.
You will need to join (or create and join) the appropriate workgroup, then open up the access database. Form your “tools menu/security/user and group accounts”, set up appropriate users. Then from “tools/security/user and group permission”, set up appropriate permissions for each user on the...
When you embed a sub form into a main form, the naming pattern changes i.e., you can't just refer to the sub form directly. To refer to the sub form, you will do something like this:
Hope this works
Try making a replica of the FE-MDB to create a replica set, so that whenever you make a change to the design master and Synchronize this set, your changes will be applied all the way round.
You can use the ADO object model to create a disconnected record set, after which you can programmatically link each unbound field in your form to a field in the disconnected record set. You can then save the record set to a flat file.
Hope this works.
Hi Jojones,
Access should be your best bet for rapid development since you are already familia with it. as for securing your app, creating your front end db with an MDW should do the trick.
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