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Search results for query: *

  1. safraser

    Table Layout Panel control directions

    Hi All I've got a table layout panel with a fixed number of columns and rows. I've implemente drag and drop on it so the end users can re-arrage the controls as they please. This part is working fine. The problem is when the user drops a control onto a cell already containing an active control...
  2. safraser

    Publishing Com Component

    Thanks for the info guys, though since I've been able to find a nice resolution I taken a slightly different route to solve my problem Qik3Coder, The intent was to make a com library that was callable from other environments such as excel, word etc Zameer, as I said in my first post. I had my...
  3. safraser

    Publishing Com Component

    I don't want to sound rude here, and I do applicate the effort, but have you even read the question? I have been attempting publish a com (Component Object Model) library. Building and using user controls is something had great success within the past, but for this application not what's required.
  4. safraser

    Publishing Com Component

    Again Zameer, thanks for the response. However I think one of us is way off track here. What I'm attempting to do is create a com library that can be called from any com capable application (Like word, excel etc) I believe you are pointing me to a .net user control that can be added to forms...
  5. safraser

    Publishing Com Component

    Thanks for the quick reply. I hadn't thought about that, but sadly no. It doesn't appear
  6. safraser

    Publishing Com Component

    I'm sorry if this has all been hashed out before. I've spent the best part of the last two days trying to figure this out and got no where. I've created a vb project which I need to publish as a com object. I've been through MSDN so many times now I can't count I've set <Assembly...
  7. safraser

    Strange ODBC error

    Thanks for the interest Bluejay It's a propriety DB built for a specific accounting package. The driver is provided by the DB developers for this DB implementation so I'm assuming that it is compatible. It is a 32bit driver, and I'm being very careful to ensure I compile everything in 32bit...
  8. safraser

    Strange ODBC error

    Hi guys I'm a little stumped by this problem, I was hoping some here could give me some pointers etc I have a odbc drver that seems to work fine in some situations, others it just stops working. The driver is provided by an Accounting software developer for their own database implementation...
  9. safraser

    Web Service process

    Hi all Sorry if this is a elementary question but I've had a bit of a scout around and haven't found the answer. If there are multiple instances of an application consuming a web service, does this create a separate process thread of the service for each connection, or does it have one instance...
  10. safraser

    Unique ID of com object process

    Thanks, pretty much what I did in the end. Also created a wrapper class that implemented IDisposeable, then used Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.RealeasecomObject which seems to be killing the process off. The just altering the web service code destroy the object
  11. safraser

    Unique ID of com object process

    I'm really sorry, I know this type of thing as been asked before but I've not seen a complete answer to my problem. I've had an existing project dropped on my desk with a problem, the original developer died last year so it has fallen to me to fix this issue. It has worked fine with a single...
  12. safraser

    String Comparisons

    Don't worry guys, found the issue. Basically the field that is causing all my issue is the string concatenation of 2 numeric fields, an integer and a double, then converted back to a double and used as the PK for a table (Don't get me started on that) So in we have an account number 1000, and a...
  13. safraser

    String Comparisons

    Hi all Just inherited an older access project my boss did about 10 years back and hasn't been touched since. Anyway, after upgrading it from access 97 (I Think) to access 2007 I'm now having issues with string comparisons producing unpredictable results. Two strings, that I should be equal...
  14. safraser

    Eval CommandButton.OnClick

    Fair comment, didn't really explain it I guess. Basically it's a end user defined menu, stored as part of the database, menu options can be turn on/off, moved around at the users discretion. When clicking a clicking a menu button, it will then activate the corresponding panels with the sub...
  15. safraser

    Eval CommandButton.OnClick

    Hi every one What I'm trying to do, is on the form load is modify the properties of a few command buttons based on values of a dataset. Which I seem to have working without any problems Where I'm coming unstuck, is I then want to fire the OnClick event of the first commandbutton I change...
  16. safraser

    Force mapped drive reconnect

    Steve I have to agree with the above post, but I have also been in exactly the same position. More often than not, when I encounted this problem it was on a very small workgroup network, with 2 maybe 3 compters, 1 acting as both the data server and a workstation. What I found was that the...
  17. safraser

    VFP 6 Speed Issues on Network

    I've had a similar problem in the past after one client installed ms exchange on the same server as my app. Moved my app to a differenct server and problem went away
  18. safraser

    Creating a Table on the Fly

    Forgiveme if I'm wrong here, I'm still learning this whole Delphi database programing myself. If it's going to be a temporty table would it not be better to use SQL Select instead. q.sql.text:='Select field1, field2, ..fieldn '+ from Mytable.dbf q.open //Do you report q.close
  19. safraser

    Strange file not found error

    Ok, I've just had a bit more infor come through from my client. He is also getting a report file is invalid error. The particular report is excluded from the same app file as the form thats not working above. Funny thing about this is that on the 5th attempt to view this report it worked. Is...
  20. safraser

    Strange file not found error

    Thanks Craig The permissions was something I hadn't though of. The app file has been replace many times now in an attemt to fix this.

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