I have a VFP6 app running on a brand new server. The app is running really slow. A simple click on a 'Next Rrcord' button takes 15-20 seconds to refresh the form. On the old server it seemed that whenever the 3rd or 4th user signed on to the system, the whole system slowed down. I had attributed this to the old server, but the new one didn't seem to help, in fact it is worse, everyone is now running slow. Many of the forms open 20-25 tables, some have table buffering and some have record buffering, and some of the tables have a couple of hundred thousand records. I've had other apps running at other locations with many more users and records with no problem. Can someone give me a generic list of where I should be looking (Reinstall fox runtimes, Anti-Virus, etc.) Is there a setting on the local computers or the server about the number of file or record locks, or number of files open. Just thinking out load here and searching for anything that might help? Would porting it to VFP 9 help?