Maybe, depending on the configuration. The NT5D60 card is like the DTRs used to collect digits from 500 sets with DTN class of service, a shared resource. If one card will handle the requests, that is all that will be required. The engineering rules are in NTP 553-3001-149.
Also note that the...
This card is a Digital Signaling Processor (DSP) equipped Universal Trunk(DXUT) card, and is based on the Extended Universal Trunk card(EXUT) NT8D14. It configures in LD 14 as a trunk card.
This is an Asia Pacific and CALA card, that has some tone detection capabilities, which must be...
Is the revert DN in the 61, or the 81? If the revert is in the 81, the Mer Mail agent sets may not have enough NCOS / CLS to let the call go back to the 81. Try setting up a test TN, with NCOS and first item of the CLS the same as the mail agents, and see if that TN can place the revert call...
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