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Search results for query: *

  1. rubychyld

    flash MX linked video missing but audio plays??

    I'm using FlashMX and video from Squeeze. Please help, this is wierd, I'm not sure what to do? If you go here and click on Instructional Video, you'll here audio playing, but no video? http://www.hdinteractive.com/glue/golf/ However if you go here the video does play. (you may need to wait...
  2. rubychyld

    creating a select list with attach movie

    Thank you. I will email you the link so you can download the fla. I would love to talk with someone about this project. I don't know anyone that has uses flash like I do (except via these forums). I have an xml string of policy notes loaded into flash, and I am trying to display all of the notes...
  3. rubychyld

    creating a select list with attach movie

    I would really like to create a drop down select list and populate it with attachMovie(). I'm going around and around... please help me... This attachMovie() works when I target the root level but once I try to attach it to a dynamic text field I don't see anything happen... this action is on...
  4. rubychyld

    Alpha Gradient??

    do this to get the alpha with a gradient make any shape select the filled area go window >> panels >> fill chooser linear or radial gradient select one of the colors on either end no find the mixer panel and adjust the alpha or color wha la!!! Catch the vigorous horse of your mind!
  5. rubychyld

    help me with attachMovie ()

    Thank you. I reviewed this tutorial... here is a better formed question. Does the attachMovie work like a function that can be called anytime, or does it only work on a mouse event? I am looping through an array or memos or notes and want to create a movie clip or button with each pass, and...
  6. rubychyld

    help me with attachMovie ()

    I have a loop - with each pass I want to attach a movie with certain properties, but attach movie doesn't seem to work as I expect it to. I have a symbol "linked" properly from the library. attachMovie("notePreview", "thisNote", 0); thisNote._x = 10; thisNote._y =...
  7. rubychyld

    my img tag doesn't work in this xml string...

    Here is what my image tag looks like in xml. I've tried using < > and &lt; &gt; and I still don't get my img tag to be displayed. What is the right way to do this please? Liz - <Claims> - <Record> - <MenuItem> <Display>< img src=&quot;/applications/library/icons/o.gif&quot; />0000695-4J...
  8. rubychyld

    iframe bg transparent or...

    Well... sounds allright, but what if I have something a little more complicated to write to the layer? I originally had this - but can't use it because the iframe bg is not transparent - it messes up my design... <iframe...
  9. rubychyld

    iframe bg transparent or...

    No, I'd like to use the background image that the rest of the page uses and have it show through the iframe. Kind of like z-index with layers. but thanks for the suggestion anyways. Catch the vigorous horse of your mind!
  10. rubychyld

    iframe bg transparent or...

    Please, if anyone has an idea.... I want an iframe with background transparent. or some alternative... maybe a div tag that I can load a page into? is this possible? thanks for helping, Liz Catch the vigorous horse of your mind!
  11. rubychyld

    convert FSO path to HTTP path

    either the absolute or the relative would be fine I could concatonate the relative with Request.ServerVariables(&quot;SERVER_NAME&quot;) or something right? I suppose I could just replace the first part of the string with the http: info, but I am actually reading from more than a few...
  12. rubychyld

    convert FSO path to HTTP path

    I am reading a folder of files off the web box and would like to make make these files links. Is there a method or function that will convert the FSO path to the HTTP path?? convert this FSO: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\intranet\products\Auto Lease Application.pdf to this HTTP...
  13. rubychyld

    creating tab leaders (&quot;chapter 1 .........&quot;)

    I'm trying to create a tab leader &quot;....&quot; chapter 1 - Apples .................. page 1 chapter 2 - Bing Cherries............ page 25 chapter 3 - Grapefruit............... page 44 any suggestions on how to get these dots to generate? I'd like something like <td>chapter 1 - Apples<hr...
  14. rubychyld

    force download with content-type?

    Has anyone used the following?:: Response.AddHeader &quot;Content-Disposition&quot;, &quot;attachment; filename=A.PDF&quot; I put this in the top of an asp file and it should prompt the user to download the &quot;A.pdf&quot; file as soon as they enter the page.... However, it doesn't seem to...
  15. rubychyld

    force download with content-type?

    How to do this... I would like to change the content-type, header info, or mime type so the browser takes a .pdf file and prompts the dialog box &quot;open from current location or save to disk&quot;. Normally winzip is useful for downloads, but not this time. Please help send me in the right...
  16. rubychyld

    What is a Bitmap Animation?

    Unfortunately the IE 6 sdk won't accept anything except an animated bitmap. In case any one is wondering, IE6 will allow you to make a custom build of IE and change the &quot;e to world&quot; animation in the top of the browser window, fix the home page so no one can change it, customize the...
  17. rubychyld

    What is a Bitmap Animation?

    I am using IE 6.0, it allows you to change that ie animation on the top of the browser when things are loading... it is looking for a &quot;bitmap animation&quot;. Please tell me if you have any clue about this? Any direction would be helpful... Catch the vigorous horse of your mind!
  18. rubychyld

    &lt;PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent&gt;

    <PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent> Is this the only way to make the bg of a flash movie transparent in the browser? Thanks. Catch the vigorous horse of your mind!
  19. rubychyld

    dragging flash in the browser

    I have a work around now. I put a flash movie inside of a div tag. The div tag has a little area that drags the whole div. Since the flash movie is an object, much like an applet or window object select list it will position itself over the select list... unless the flash movie has a transparent...
  20. rubychyld

    dragging flash in the browser

    I have a swf file. I put it into a draggable div tag with z-index:1000. There are select lists on the page. I know regular z-index doesn't allow div tags above a select list. But flash is an object, and sometimes it appears over the select list just like I want it to. But other times, it plays...

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