Thanks for the reply dgillz. The example code I found is this;
datetimevar min := minimum({@Character field to date field in process date});
datetimevar max := maximum({@Character field to date field in process date});
numbervar yrs := datediff("yyyy",min,max);
numbervar mos;
if month(max) >=...
I need a formula which will convert a number (which are days), to Years, months, weeks and days.
Having looked in the FAQ's, the examples all seem to require a start and end date which I don't have.
I'm using Crystal Reports XI.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I am using CE10 & CR10 and I am using an alert on a report. I have then put the report onto Crystal Enterprise. I have then Scheduled the report to be emailed as a DHTML link to end users. I have also scheduled the alert to be emailed to a specific user as a DHTML link. My issue is that the...
OK thanks rorymo,
I have eliminated drop down list as well. I now make the user type in their required criteria instead. The problem here is that it leaves room for user error ie. the user may miss spell their criteria, and for them to presume the report is either broken or not results matched...
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