Thanks for the reply dgillz. The example code I found is this;
datetimevar min := minimum({@Character field to date field in process date});
datetimevar max := maximum({@Character field to date field in process date});
numbervar yrs := datediff("yyyy",min,max);
numbervar mos;
if month(max) >= month(min) then
mos := datediff("m",min,max)-(yrs*12) else
if month(max) < month(min) then (
yrs := yrs-1;
mos := datediff("m",min,max)-(yrs*12)
numbervar days :=
if day(max)>= day(min) then
days := day(max) - day(min) else
if day(max) < day(min) then (
mos := mos-1;
days := day(max)+(day(max-day(max))-day(min))
totext(yrs,0,"")+" Yrs "+totext(mos,0,"")+" Mos "+totext(days,0,"")+ " Days"
From the advice you have given, this appears to be very reliant on there being a start and end date so it not so simple as replacing the dates with a number.
Do you have some more appropriate code for my problem?
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