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Search results for query: *

  1. stemitch2000

    preventing copy and paste in a text box

    Hello people, Please can you help me? I have a text box, but do not wish the user to be able to paste into the text box. They are allowed to write in it - but not paste into it. Anyone know how I go about doing this? I suppose I could see if the first key pressed is a ctrl, but is there a...
  2. stemitch2000

    focusing on a radio button

    Hi, I have a basic form, with some field as radio buttons. How do I give focus to a radio button once the user has pressed submit and the radio button is not checked (i.e. the user has not agreed with the terms and conditions). thank you Steven
  3. stemitch2000

    LDAP using ASP

    hello I haven't used LDAP much - and have only used it to search. but this is how I searched through it. sSQL = "Select AdsPath FROM 'LDAP://server-name/dc=pass,dc=com' where objectclass='Person' and id='" & id & "' and sn='" & surname & "' and givenName='" & firstname & "' ORDER BY cn" Set...
  4. stemitch2000

    excel - getting a list of numbers into one cell

    Hello, I have got a column of cells, with numbers in them. I would like to generate just one cell with this numbers seperate by a comma. i.e. 10 2 3 4 would end up like 10, 2, 3, 4 This is to go into a comparison table, and nothing to do with CSV - though that is an option.
  5. stemitch2000

    inserting columns in db using ASP

    Hello I am writing a script to change the current live database so that is it conpatible with the new system, when it goes live. A few fields have been added, so I need to insert some columns in the tables. How do I go about doing this?
  6. stemitch2000

    Getting Windows Logon ID

    to be absolutely correct then it might be best to put dName = UCase(CStr(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER"))) instead of dName = UCase(CStr(Request("REMOTE_USER"))) just incase you create another variable called "REMOTE_USER"
  7. stemitch2000

    Getting Windows Logon ID

    try something on the line like this dName = UCase(CStr(Request("REMOTE_USER"))) i = InStr(1,dName,"\") + 1 dName = Mid(dName,i) Response.Write "User is " & dName should do the trick
  8. stemitch2000

    Accessing Access across the network

    Ok I have a database on a server, and the system I am updating requires the connection to be client side, so that the client can move on the recordset, update, delete, etc with out having to refresh the page. Any ideas how I archieve this?
  9. stemitch2000

    is this a correct function call?

    ok guys, I found the solution the openDB = con needed to be set openDB = con then it worked for that pages, now I have to figure out how to fix the other pages
  10. stemitch2000

    Suddenly; (0x80004005) unspecified error

    Yeah any ideas would be greatful - I am in the similar situation - just I have moved servers.
  11. stemitch2000

    is this a correct function call?

    Still get the same error the function is this, added error handling in it. function OpenDB dim con On Error Resume Next err.clear If session("con")="" Then response.write "opening new connection" Set con =...
  12. stemitch2000

    is this a correct function call?

    I have a function that sets up a connection to a database. function OpenDB dim con On Error Resume Next If Not (IsObject(con)) Then response.write "opening new connection" Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set session("con") = con strDSN =...
  13. stemitch2000

    ERROR 424 Object Required

    another question, when I am making a call to the function above, do I call it like this? set con = OpenDB() or is this syntaxly incorrect?
  14. stemitch2000

    ERROR 424 Object Required

    Could I put my code to set up the connection in the following place? If session(&quot;con&quot;)=&quot;&quot; Then 'open e new connection. <<code>> set session(&quot;con&quot;)= con end if 'if it's alreadey opened then start using it set con=session(&quot;con&quot;)
  15. stemitch2000

    ERROR 424 Object Required

    It doesn't as such - but the first error checking bit does produce the error, so I think it is something to do with the Set con = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) set session(&quot;con&quot;) = con since the last post I commented out the set con = session(&quot;con&quot;)...
  16. stemitch2000

    ERROR 424 Object Required

    Hello guys, this migrating to new server thing is really starting to annoy me!! OK, the situation. I have the following piece of code in a include file. On Error Resume Next function OpenDB dim con On Error Resume Next err.clear set con = session(&quot;con&quot;) If Not (IsObject(con)) Then...
  17. stemitch2000

    Open Database Connection

    the difference between servers is nt4 and 2k. the connect string is.... Set con = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) strDSN = Session(&quot;strDSN&quot;) con.Open &quot;DSN=&quot; & strDSN where strDSN is a DSN name.
  18. stemitch2000

    Open Database Connection

    yeah the data types are right - as I said before is works fine on the old server.
  19. stemitch2000

    Open Database Connection

    This is a total long shot. I have got a access database with a website front. It has come to that time when the server that it is on is coming to it tithes, and the system is being migrated to a new server. The system worked &quot;fine&quot; on the old server, but it doesn't work all the time on...
  20. stemitch2000

    Getting PC username

    Hi Try request.servervariables(&quot;REMOTE_USER&quot;) instead. That might work.

Part and Inventory Search
