A lot of this will depend on where you want to display the difference and whether you're grouping your data or trying to show the difference for the whole report.
You don't say what you've named the formula above, so I'll call it {@GetDates} in my example. If you're going to show the...
Unfortunately, Crystal won't know if you're close to the end of a page to be able to do this. You could turn on "New Page Before" for Detail d and Detail g and always have a page break before or you might be able to simulate a group using a global variable and have Detail section a, d, and g be...
The challenge with this is that you have two different data types that you're trying to display. Crystal won't let you do that, so you'll have to convert the dates to strings because you can't convert "TBA" to a date. So, your formula will look like this:
Given the way your data is set up, you won't be able to use a cross-tab for this. Instead, you're going to have to use a Command to get the data in the right format. I would use a query like this:
Where "N" is the highest number in the field list.
This will put the data into the format that...
This looks me like you're trying to set multiple values on a parameter that only allows a single value. Check the report you're trying to run vs. the parameters you're trying to run it with and make sure the parameter format (single or multi-select) matches what your code is trying to do.
Go here: https://origin.softwaredownloads.sap.com/public/site/index.html. Set Software Product = SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio then click on "GO".
You want the 64-bit version of the "installer" .exe file. The other formats (.msi, etc.) are for the runtime for deploying your...
There is no easy way to do this and have it in the cross-tab itself. However, you can emulate this by doing the following:
1. Add a Group on VegetableType to your report.
2. Suppress the VegetableType group header section and the details section.
3. Create a second VegetableType group...
The entire .NET SDK is based on COM components. However, current licensing will NOT allow you to directly access those components. So, you have to go through the Crystal for VS .NET SDK at this point. The last version of Crystal that allowed direct use of the COM components was Crystal XI...
Somewhere along the way in a SQL Server update there were changes to the internal representation of BLOB fields. Crystal 8.5 will not be able to use these new-style BLOB fields. The only way to get to them will be to upgrade the app to use the latest version of either the Crystal for Visual...
What version of SQL Server holds the data?
Crystal version 8.5 went out of support over 20 years ago. It's not able to work with some of the newer data types that are available in SQL Server. It also might be a function of the version of the data driver you used. If you have a newer version...
Try using a formula like this:
If IsNumeric({table.field}) then
If len({table.field}) < 3 then
right('00' + {table.field}, 3)
else {table.field}
else {table.field}
Associate Director, Data & Analytics
Try this:
1. Create a month group using something like this following formula:
ToText(Month({MyTable.DateField}), "00") + "-" + ToText({MyTable.DateField}, "MMMM")
2. Use this formula as the column. It will sort correctly by month number instead of by month name.
3. If you want to show...
Another option would be to create a formula that will display the address, taking into account that Address2 may or may not have data. Something like this:
Local StringVar newLine := chr(13) + chr(10); //Carriage return/Line feed = Windows "New Line".
Local StringVar result :=...
1. You shouldn't actually have to create all of this yourself. In Visual Studio, if you use the form design functionality it will set it all up correctly for you and you won't have this problem.
2. If you really do need to add objects to a form in you code, you should look at the code that...
You need to declare the textboxes and button as variables that are global to the form. By declaring them in the method above, they become local to that method and cannot be accessed from outside of that method.
Associate Director, Data & Analytics
To add to what Skip wrote, options for Excel export from Crystal are limited to what you see in the software. There is no way to make a cells in a column be drop-downs. You can only export the data you have.
Associate Director, Data & Analytics
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