Wehave seen this, if you look closely in the Backup Exec log file, what we have seen is an "access denied" to a particular file that Backup Exec was trying to back up, this will produce a "failed" backup, even thought everything else was backed up fine.
During the IDR process using CD-ROM (ONLY) the incident is with, the CD IDR process on a Windows 2000 computer giving an incorrect computer name not allowing the restore to proceed correctly with the SYSTEM STATE. The only workaround at this time is rename the computer during the IDR process...
Yes, We have used it extensively with Win 4.0 sp 6a with BE 7.3.2371. We have used the bootable CD-ROMs, not disks. If your tape drive changed, you will have to make a new .dr file, since the tape drive information is in the .dr file that is created when you run the IDR Wizard.
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