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Search results for query: *

  1. Signit

    How to split data into separate columns?

    What DB platform are you using SQL Server, Oracle etc.? Depending on the platform there are a variety of solutions available for this particular problem.
  2. Signit

    ColdFusion Excel Scientific Notation

    I appreciate the help, but while I am familiar with formatting in Excel my customer is not. They are willing to tolerate the scientific notation, but I was hoping for a way to force the cell to a particular from ColdFusion (probably wishful thinking I know). Any other ideas?
  3. Signit

    ColdFusion Excel Scientific Notation

    When outputting a query to Excel several long numbers are being converted to scientific notation. Is there anyway to programmatically force Excel to not convert these numbers to scientific notation? e.g. 1935489801623778 becomes 1.93549E+15 I've tried putting a ' in front of the number which...
  4. Signit

    Active Directory: General access denied error while Applying ACL

    Using a script I am attempting to create a computer account in Active Directory and then setup an ACL on that account after it has been created. While I can create the account when I try to apply an ACL to it I receive the following error: "Active Directory: General access denied error." I...
  5. Signit

    cfdocument - PDF

    I don't if this is the problem your ISP is having but it turned out to be my problem: The fix had to do w/ weblogic problems. Specifically, the change was to remove the startup java argument - Djava.awt.graphicsenv=com.gp.java2d.ExHeadlessGraphicsEnvironment and replace it with...
  6. Signit

    Error: "The document has no pages." With cfdocument Tag

    The fix had to do w/ weblogic problems. Specifically, the change was to remove the startup java argument - Djava.awt.graphicsenv=com.gp.java2d.ExHeadlessGraphicsEnvironment and replace it with: -Djava.awt.headless=true when starting up weblogic. Found a help thread here...
  7. Signit

    cfdocument - PDF

    Any idea as to what changes your ISP might have made?
  8. Signit

    Error: "The document has no pages." With cfdocument Tag

    I've thrown some code inside of the cfdocument tag and am still having the issue. I am reading through your thread. Any idea what your ISP might have changed?
  9. Signit

    Error: "The document has no pages." With cfdocument Tag

    I am attempting to utilize the new cfdocument tag, but everytime I do I receive the error: "The document has no pages." I've widdled my code down to the most basic possible (only 3 lines) and am still receieving the error. I am running CFMX7. Any thoughts? Code: <cfdocument format="pdf">...
  10. Signit

    Unexpected Error in CFMX7 but not CFMX6.1

    Back at work now. I had a thought over the weekend and it seems to have fixed the problem. In MX6.1 this line works: <cfset application.ldapCFC = CreateObject("component","templates.components.ldap_ad")> In MX7.01 this line works: <cfset application.ldapCFC =...
  11. Signit

    Unexpected Error in CFMX7 but not CFMX6.1

    Yes the error is still on line 121. And is the same: This code is in application.cfm already so is the cflock unnecessary?
  12. Signit

    Unexpected Error in CFMX7 but not CFMX6.1

    I am using MX7.0.1 with hotfix 2 in place. I've changed my code to: 119 : <!--- load an ldap cfc into application scope ---> 120 : <cfif not structKeyExists(application, "isReady") or structKeyExists(url, "resetapp")> 121 : <cfset application.ldapCFC =...
  13. Signit

    Unexpected Error in CFMX7 but not CFMX6.1

    In my application.cfm I load up a ColdFusion component for AD LDAP interaction. Loading the component in the below manner in CFMX6.1 causes no problems, but in CFMX7 gives this error: My code: 119 : <!--- load an ldap cfc into application scope ---> 120 : <cfif not...
  14. Signit

    Set ACE using LDAP

    I am working with LDAP to create computer accounts in Active Directory. While, I am able to create computer accounts that can be joined to the domain I have not yet been able to figure out how to set that accounts access control entry (ACE). There are plenty of examples of how to do this...
  15. Signit

    Prepopulating Domain Joining Attribute

    I will be creating the objects prior to them being joined to the domain from through an LDAP interface. This will allow our organization to bypass the computers OU creating objects in their appropriate OU from the outset. I would like to limit the ability of joining these objects once created...
  16. Signit

    Prepopulating Domain Joining Attribute

    I am creating objects in Active Directory using an LDAP connection. Once the object is created I want only certain users to be able to join each particular object to the domain. Meaning that just because you have rights to join the domain you can't join a specific object unless you have been...
  17. Signit


    I have written a ColdFusion component to interact through LDAP with Active Directory. The component is working great and I am getting the functionality I need from it. However, I am building an additional method by which I plan to enumerate all of the OU objects in AD. While I recursively...
  18. Signit

    Add Style Tag to Body Tag

    After some more digging I found the answer. function addReadOnlyWatermark() { var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; bodyTag.style.backgroundImage = "url(../images/readonly.gif)"; bodyTag.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed"; bodyTag.style.backgroundPosition = "100%...
  19. Signit

    Add Style Tag to Body Tag

    On some pages I have reason for adding a watermark, but those pages will not always require said watermark. As such I would like to dynamically add a style attribute to the body tag with JavaScript. I've written the below code to add the style attribute to a page's body tag, but I don't get my...
  20. Signit

    best practice for cfcomponent init

    Right, I actually realized what you meant after I posted my last message. Amazing what you figure out on the way from your desk to your car. I will readup and post some more if I still have questions. Thank you for your help!

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