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  1. calmar

    a growing vine?

    I have MX2004, and need to create a vine that grows.... just need it to grow vertically, 1 or 2 strands and stop at about 6in. Should I use a mask to uncover the vine, or is there a way to make it look like it's growing? Thanks! =) Cal
  2. calmar

    MSWord Doc>HTML won't show image??

    ....I figured it out [purpleface]
  3. calmar

    MSWord Doc>HTML won't show image??

    The problem is not Word related...I started a new page http://www.calmardesign.com/GSA_Test.html with just the logo url, and it still won't load. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Cal
  4. calmar

    MSWord Doc>HTML won't show image??

    whoops...sorry!....the url is http://www.calmardesign.com/GSA_final.html
  5. calmar

    MSWord Doc>HTML won't show image??

    Could someone please check my code? I took a Word doc and used Word to generate an html page. Then I opened it in Dreamweaver2004, stripped the Word tags (as much as it would), then put it in a table for formatting. I left a bunch of tags but thought they wouldn't affect the page....checked it...
  6. calmar

    loadMovieNum coordinates???

    Thanks, Old...I knew you'd have the answer =)
  7. calmar

    loadMovieNum coordinates???

    Hi, I'm using loadMovieNum to load external swf's when the user clicks on a button; it works great except they all load in the same spot, i.e. upper left. How can I specify where I want them on the stage? I have MX2004, but want publish to Flash5 if possible. Thanks! calmar
  8. calmar

    Streaming mp3 Problem...that dog won't hunt!

    Hi Old, I put an instance of the mp3 on the timeline of claire.swf Cal
  9. calmar

    Streaming mp3 Problem...that dog won't hunt!

    Wangbar, I put the mp3 in it's own swf, created an (invisible) mc on frame 5 of a new layer of the movie I want to load the mp3 into. I put this code on the frame that contains the mc that will hold the swf loadMovie("Claire.swf","_root.claireMC"); The main movie plays but no sound(?)...
  10. calmar

    Streaming mp3 Problem...that dog won't hunt!

    Yeah, I intially imported the mp3 to the library & attached an instance to frame 1 of it's layer, & synched it as "streaming". That worked fine for me, but he couldn't hear the music on his machine. In Sham's book (FOE) on MX2004, he suggested starting the mp3 at frame 5, with a "kicker"...
  11. calmar

    Streaming mp3 Problem...that dog won't hunt!

    oldnewbie, thanks for checking, ...the client is using a pc IE6, DSL. Is there supposed to be an advantage to using the behavior vs embedding the mp3 from the library? (besides making the swf size smaller). It (the behavior) doesn't work at all for me, unless I was supposed to do something...
  12. calmar

    Streaming mp3 Problem...that dog won't hunt!

    Hi! Can anyone please throw me a rope? I've banged my head on this for a week and can't get it to fly right...checked the posts & didn't find one that addressed it. Problem: I have a client who currently has a Flash intro with an mp3 embedded in the html doc. It plays, but the mp3 cuts off...
  13. calmar


    Thanks for the links! I just set up Flash/PHP/MySQL with Apache on my WinXP Pro box for testing and used 2 books (PHP For Flash & Server Side Flash). The chapter 1 tutorial in PHP for Flash worked after I changed the php.ini to "register_globals = on" and declared variables on the 1...
  14. calmar

    Flash vs ColdFusion

    Is it feasible to use just Flash/XML instead of ColdFusion to create dynamic content that is editable by a user (who logs in with username/password) using IIS/Access or Apache/MySQL on an intranet? Which would be most stabile and allow the most users at once? What parameters do I need to...
  15. calmar

    need actionscript book recommendation

    Io, it won't be available from Amazon till mid July, but ActionScripting in FlashMX by Phillip Kerman is my pick based on his excellent previous book. :-) Calmar
  16. calmar

    Problems with text in flash

    Old, isn't the problem that Flash only does anti-aliased text? I don't know why if it's vector that MM doesn't give the options as in Fireworks for "No anti-alias", "Crisp Anti-alias", "Strong Anti-alias" and "Smooth anti-alias" :-) Calmar
  17. calmar

    slide show

    Hi Old, yes, I thought I'd seen this somehwhere....have a bunch of MC's in another movie that the main movie would get instances from like slides in a slide-projector. I looked in my books and searched this forum and FlashKit and didn't see one described. Thanks! :=) Cal
  18. calmar

    slide show

    Hi, by "run time", do you mean when the page loads? Yes, I'd like it to automatically start the slide show when a user gets to the home page. Thanks, Calmar
  19. calmar

    slide show

    I need to randomly load and unload jpg's (mc's) on my client's site. Is there a tutorial for this? Each MC would fade in...pause 3 sec...fade/out. Thanks! :-) Calmar
  20. calmar

    Hi everyone, when I try to save a

    Hi Kitten, thanks for the help! But, it didn't work. Maybe I didn't get exactly what you meant...(?) When I got the error, I closed it, went to Explorer, copied the .fla to a new folder, opened it in Flash5, changed the name, saved....."Failed to save document" =( I sent an email...

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