Yes I know that, but the problem is that on that workbook I got something like 200 worksheets, what makes me hard to just scroll all the worksheets until I find the one I want.
How the hell can I avoid the users to get WebSite access. I already setup the IEXPLORE.EXE file permissions and only the administrators got access, but normal users can get access through Outlook and Windows explorer. HELP!!
Thanx a lot
There's no erros messages at all. I'm installing in a w2k server.
I already tried to download the most recently version but the situation continues.
Every time I try to install MSDE in my W2K server, when the progress bar is reachind the end, it simply rolls back and don't complete the installation.
Thanx a lot
Thanx man, but none of this solved my problem. Very weird guys. The main problem, and that's why I'm trying to install sp4 is that I cannot install MSDE on my machine, whem the evaluation bar is almost in "100%", it just go back and don't give me any error message at all.
When I´m trying to install the SP4 on my server, I got an error message that says that the arcsetup.exe file is being used and the Windows will not continue the SP4 installation.
Any ideas?!?!
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