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  1. shane25119

    Virus Refuses to go away, Norton/TrendMicro Unable to help

    Hello All, I have a system that is infected with the Trojan.Adwaheck virus. Norton Anti-Virus 2004 (fully updated) claims it is unable to delete the offending file. This file appeared earlier in the year and it was quarentined and went away but now is back; however the end user isn't...
  2. shane25119

    Where's the free stuff

    forget the MS anti spyware program... go for AdAware lavasoft.com and Spybot safernetworking.org, also AVG virus scanner free edition grisoft.com and ZoneAlarm Free Edition zonelabs.com
  3. shane25119

    Computer Freezes

    I've noticed that MP3's often clip at certain points.... could this be an indicator of anything? The clipping is like the telltale skip on old LP's, it constantly appears at the same points on certain songs.. but does not translate to the same spot on every mp3 (ie the clips are file specific)...
  4. shane25119

    Computer Freezes

    all suggested steps taken... will keep you posted on the situation
  5. shane25119

    Computer Freezes

    Power supply is 400 watts. memtest86 shows no errors, virus scan is about 90 odd percent done, no spyware present, defrag is next up. In the past this problem has occured. It was fixed by a simple flashing of the the BIOS and a reinstall of the video card. This time I have uninstalled the...
  6. shane25119

    Computer Freezes

    just figured I should add... the tempratures inside the system are all good.... nothing is hot, I cleaned dust off where I could, there really wasn't too much
  7. shane25119

    Computer Freezes

    Hi all, I've been having problems with my computer lately. It's a custom built job with: Abit mobo 1gb of ram amd 2000 processor A while ago the system froze on a regular basis and a flash of the BIOs and a reinstallation of the video card drivers and it ran fine for over a month...
  8. shane25119

    HardDrive Clicking Noise

    thats the sound of a dying hard drive... its dying breath
  9. shane25119

    USB Hard Drive

    Hello all, My friend recently got the nessasary hardware to convert a regular IDE hard drive into a portable one (some special casing) and has asked me to format an old hard drive to use in this casing as his portable hard drive. I am formatting it now using the Windows 98 install...
  10. shane25119

    Floppy drive woes

    ahhh hell... I've got like 4 floppies laying around... problem is all of them are broken.... I guess I can just live off of my CD-RW drive and my flash memory drive... its not like XP uses floppies for anything much.... and as for my other box (SuSe Linux)... its had it in for floppies ever...
  11. shane25119

    Floppy drive woes

    Hello all, I was using my Windows computer hooked up to my Linux hard drive to install suse, after i was done i put everything back together and went to boot, i got a little hiss sound, and then the machine woulnd't start, the red light on the board would come on though.... I diagnosed...
  12. shane25119

    Virus Problems, XP won't let me use updates or Restore

    I appreate it, but Norton is actually low on my priority list now, as restore and search do not work.... besides, it was 2003, not the 2001/2002 version, as your link was for, any ideas on how to restore? Thanks Shane
  13. shane25119

    Virus Problems, XP won't let me use updates or Restore

    Hello, Last weekend my computer started acting strange, so I tracked it down to Norton AntiVirus and uninstalled the app and downloaded PC-cillan, unfortunately the computer kept giving me problems about a previous Norton install, so I tried to roll back my computer to a day when it worked...
  14. shane25119

    Two Problems Installing Linux

    in my expierence i could not get drake going... i just went to FC eventually, FC is a good starter distro... i suspose you could 'ghetto rig' and use a cdrom from another computer, but i'm not too sure if you would have cdrom support after you install the new distro then with the original cdrom
  15. shane25119

    Two Problems Installing Linux

    md66, i got that to work.... maybe i can help ya out?
  16. shane25119

    Windows error message

    Hello, One of my friends has run into a computer problem that i can not seem to solve... Whenever he is connected to the net he repeatedly gets a failed DLL error message. I have tracked the error down as to being a part of his Yahoo software that comes with his DSL. Would reinstalling...
  17. shane25119

    Javascrip[t linking in HTML

    Hello all, I'm working on a website and want to link some JS into my pages so i don't have to type out the script 10,000 times. I know the whole <link rel=&quot;javascript&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; href=&quot;filename.js&quot;> dealie. My question is how do I set where...
  18. shane25119

    Windoews refuses to stay up

    thank you all much, i will try those
  19. shane25119

    Windoews refuses to stay up

    Hello, One of my friends has come to me with a computer problem (I'm the local computer guy at school) and I'm not quite sure how to go about solving this one: On bootup her computer will bring up Safe Mode, and about 10 seconds into booting up it will shut down. All the startup screens...
  20. shane25119

    RedHat/Fedora Start Icon

    lol thanx, I just want to customize the hell out of my GUI, I recently shed the Microshaft shackles and wanna totaly make my GUI kick ass, and it just frustrates me i couldn't figure out how 2 change that thing.

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