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Search results for query: *

  1. SHelton

    Parameters Ignored in CrystalReportViewer

    Found a solution, for anyone that is interested read this: http://technicalsupport.businessobjects.com/KanisaSupportSite/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=5452225&sliceId=&dialogID=19090947&stateId=1%200%2019098001
  2. SHelton

    Parameters Ignored in CrystalReportViewer

    Using CRXI in C# (VS2005), Vista Home Premium, SQL2000. I have a very basic report with 2 parameters - if I run the report in CRXI I get prompted for the parameters and the report shows the correct data. Viewing the query in SQL Profiler shows the correct WHERE statement. However, if I open...
  3. SHelton

    Add checkbox to individual node

    Hey Rick, I'm running the Beta 2 of Orcas and can't see a way to selectively show checkboxes on nodes in a TreeView (Windows Forms). Can you point me in the right direction ?
  4. SHelton

    Windows Mobile Help

    In my opinion (which may differ from others!): 1. You don't design the software on the PPC, use Visual Studio 2005 (you may need Professional edition). 2. You can use web services if you want to pass data from a PPC to a central database and vice-versa. If you are passing data while synched...
  5. SHelton

    Add checkbox to individual node

    ShowCheckBox is a property of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode object. I think that you are using the Windows Forms TreeNode, which does not have a ShowCheckBox property. In a Windows Forms TreeView, you can have either all check boxes showing or none at all, not a mixture. The only way...
  6. SHelton

    Check for Duplicate in DataGridView

    Very quick examples, please excuse any slack coding! Both assume that the distinct column in the source datatable is called DistinctCol and is of an integer type. Example 1 (CellValidating event) Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValidating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
  7. SHelton

    Check for Duplicate in DataGridView

    One of two ways I can think of: 1. Use the CellValidating event for the key column and check if the value already exists. This prevents the user trying to enter a duplicate. 2. Use DataView.ToTable when the user clicks the save button. This has a overload that returns a datatable...
  8. SHelton

    populating combo box

    Just set the DataSource, ValueMember and DisplayMember properties of the combo column to a DataTable populated from the Access table. Make sure that the ValueMember matches the underlying DataGridView datasource column so that a change in the combo is correctly applied to the grid datasource.
  9. SHelton

    Copying large amount of data in multiple related tables

    Thanks for the help guys. I'm going to look at a stored procedure which uses temp tables. I can call it asynchronously from the app which will allow the user to carry on doing other stuff while the copy is carried out.
  10. SHelton

    Copying large amount of data in multiple related tables

    Thanks for the quick reply gmmatros. But..... If a row in TableA has 15 related rows in TableB, when I use Insert Into...Select for TableA how will I know what the primary key (which is an identity column) is to be able to insert the TableB rows with the correct foreign key ?
  11. SHelton

    Copying large amount of data in multiple related tables

    Can anyone suggest a decent strategy for copying (potentially) large amounts of data into the same tables in a database ? To explain, I have a database which holds estimate details in a number of related tables. The client would like a facility to copy an estimate, creating a clean version...
  12. SHelton

    How do I delete all the records from a table

    The easist and quickest way is to not bother loading the data at all. You can do this with a SqlCommand object using DELETE FROM tblUser as the CommandText.
  13. SHelton

    Multiple Processors / Cores

    ca8msm is right, ProcessorCount returns 2 on my dual core machine, and 4 on a dual processor (each a dual core) server.
  14. SHelton

    Need to copy data between two databases...

    If the two databases have tables with the same schema, you can load an empty DataSet from db2, then merge in a populated DataSet from db1. You can then update the DataSet to db2.
  15. SHelton

    Remove all child nodes from treeview

    Surely this is easier ? For Each t As TreeNode In TreeView1.Nodes t.Nodes.Clear() Next
  16. SHelton

    Connection Speed Check

    You could use the Ping class to see how the server responds (although this isn't necessarily an indication of data connection problems). Ping.Send returns a PingReply object, which has a RoundtripTime property.
  17. SHelton

    [WMI]: is possible retreive the name of a removable device?

    I don't know of any managed classes that will allow you to get at that info, you'll probably need to look at calling some API's. Sorry I can't be more help!
  18. SHelton

    [WMI]: is possible retreive the name of a removable device?

    I think USB memory sticks show up as removable drives, so you might be able to use the following to get the name: DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo di in drives) { if (di.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) Console.WriteLine(di.VolumeLabel); }
  19. SHelton

    Crystal Problem

    You need to install the Crystal Reports .NET libraries on the target machine. This means incorporating merge modules into the installer. Take a look at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms227329(VS.80).aspx

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