In my spreadsheet, Row 1 has my headings for my columns, and I want Row 1 to automatically print out as my header on all sheets of my printout. How do I do that?
I know a sting is different than a number...perhaps I stated it wrong, a 16 digit number in this case could be like a credit card number, in which case you do not need it for calculations, in that case changing it to text will eliminate the last number changing to a 0. If you wanted to then use...
Just change the cell's format to text, and if you need to use the number in a calculation, just take that cell and multiply it by 1. This will eliminate the last digit turning into a 0.
sillysod, true...but if the user hits "Tab" or clicks out of the textbox, then the On Exit event occurs...I want to call the event on the Enter key only
Is there any way to change the wording of the "Enter Parameter Value" message box? Meaning, instead of the message box saying, "[Forms]![frm_Main]![date]", I want it to say, "Please enter today's date".
I know I can get around the message box, but I want it to pop up in this case.
Thank you.
I have a command button on a form that time stamps the date in a field
Private Sub Command297_Click()
Me.Last_Updated_Date.Value = Date
End Sub
It works fine on my computer, but on someone elses it brings up an error as if it doesnt recognize the formula.
Is there any other way to use the...
excellent...actually your first thought was slightly off
The formula for the query criteria needed to be...
Between [Forms]![frm_2]![SUBFORMNAME]![TextDate1] And [Forms]![frm_2]![SUBFORMNAME]![TextDate2]
I have a query with a date criteria...
Between [Forms]![frm_1]![TextDate1]! And [Forms]![frm_1]![TextDate2]!
The user enters the dates in frm_1 and hits a command to run a report based off of the query above, and it works fine.
However, if I make frm_1 a subform in frm_2, and hit the command...
I have 5 comboboxes all with the same query as the rowsource.
The user fills in all the comboboxes, but I want to prevent them from choosing the same list option in multiple comboboxes.
I tried setting criteria in the query to something like this...
Is there a visual basic way to say...
If Project Manager = "John Doe", Then Disable all Textboxes
I have about 30 textboxes, so I want to avoid...
If Me.Project_Manager.Value = "John Doe" Then
Me.Textbox1.Enabled = False
Me.Textbox2.Enabled = False
Any help or...
I have a combobox in my main with project names to select from. (List is derived from a query of project names)
After a project is selected from the combobox, I'll have a subform that'll pop up displaying that record. I have the query built so that...
Project Name =...
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