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Search results for query: *

  1. Genimuse

    Treeview and Simple Dataset

    Chrissie, have I mentioned lately that I love you? It's true. That said, I don't quite follow how these nodes get added to TreeView1. I see the line that says: treeview1.nodes(firstnode) but that isn't an assingment or anything, right? Don't they also need to be added somehow in the other two...
  2. Genimuse

    Treeview and Simple Dataset

    I've done a bunch of searching, but I can tell that my fundamental lack of understanding of treeview nodes is keeping me from putting this together. I've got a simple dataset with a view that looks like this: GameID Game.Name DeckID Deck.Name VersionID Version.Name 1 Candyland 1...
  3. Genimuse

    Choosing the Boot Drive

    Unfortunately the bios only allows me to specify "hard disk," not which one. Someone suggested putting the PATA drive in an external USB enclosure, which I happened to have, and it worked great. Thanks all for your suggestions.
  4. Genimuse

    Choosing the Boot Drive

    I've got a system that recently crashed, with a hard drive on IDE 0, a PATA drive. I've replaced it with a SATA drive which puts it on IDE 2, which is fine, but I still want to access data off the other drive. If I boot with both attached it insists on booting from the drive on IDE 0 (which...
  5. Genimuse

    DISTINCT Records Aren't Distinct

    SkipVoight, Unfortunately the differing times do make them different records, so I need them all. INTing or CDate(Int())ing the datetimes will throw away a bunch of data. However, CDBLing them does include the microseconds, it seems, and so it may be that I don't have actual dupes. That, or...
  6. Genimuse

    DISTINCT Records Aren't Distinct

    This is in Access that this is happening, and I know it supports distinct. If I can get it to work in Access then I'll deal with the actual app (which does support DISTINCT). But just so it's not an issue in the question, this is all in Access. Haven't tried BETWEEN but I'm pretty sure that's...
  7. Genimuse

    DISTINCT Records Aren't Distinct

    I'm concerned that it's because I have two tables referenced twice in the join (mwtrn and mwpro), but unfortunately becase a single mwpax record connects to mwtrn two different and exclusive ways, I'm not sure how to get the data. I guess maybe a correlated subquery, but I'm concerned that would...
  8. Genimuse

    DISTINCT Records Aren't Distinct

    Some records are different, some the same (identical). So a subset of actual dataset result: 9/13/2006 7:48:33 PM Jenny Allen 38 97124 Therapeutic Massage INS Insurance Payment 0 9/13/2006 7:48:33 PM Jenny Allen 38 97124 Therapeutic Massage...
  9. Genimuse

    DISTINCT Records Aren't Distinct

    I suspect this has something to do with how the joins are set up (I was lazy and let Access make them rather than writing them myself, but it looks ok), but for some reason I don't actually get distinct records, I still get plenty of dupes: SELECT DISTINCT mwpax.[Date Modified], mwphy.[First...
  10. Genimuse

    Form, Modules, Scope, and Recursion

    Thanks to everyone. I first went with Rick's suggestion (which is an application of TipGiver's suggestion), and it worked. Then I realized that I could instead put a reference to the form in the function call in MainForm and refer to it in the function in the module. This also worked. Then...
  11. Genimuse

    Form, Modules, Scope, and Recursion

    Versions of my question come up in my searching here, but they don't quite seem to address my problem. Simple app, one form (called, cleverly, MainForm) and several code modules, modules that have almost nothing to do with the form (other than being called by it). The form has a browser...
  12. Genimuse

    Microsoft.XMLHTTP - cross bowser compatible?

    If this is on the server -- that is, it's in ASP code, not in some on-page HTML or Javascript -- you won't have any problem at all. ASP runs everything you tell it to and then just sends HTML to the browser, so the browser never even sees the object.
  13. Genimuse

    Calendar Control - display difficulties

    It not only helps you solve the problem, it tells you exactly how to do it: replace the control with one that works on all computers. It's likely you won't be able to find a solution if you narrow it down to "fix a problem inherent in this control.
  14. Genimuse

    Eliminating New Record After Delete

    I know that the situation is unusual as I've put delete buttons like that on forms many times. I'm certain that it relates to some calculations I'm doing OnCurrent, at least one of which is probably setting a form field value (one sets the date based on the previous calendar click, for example)...
  15. Genimuse

    Trouble validating pages in DW MX

    Good to know, thanks.
  16. Genimuse

    Eliminating New Record After Delete

    I tried to just programmatically jump to the previous record at that point, but the new fake stuck around. In the end I had the code: 1. Store the ID of the current record. 2. Jump to the first record (will only not work if the user is trying to delete the first record, but I know in this...
  17. Genimuse

    Weird Text Box Jumping

    The Setup: I have a simple report based on a query. The detail section is composed of 12 text boxes, side-by-side, all tied to one of the query fields. Every text box has the following formatting: Format: Currency Can Grow: No Can Shrink: No Text Align: Right (same prob if no alignment) The...
  18. Genimuse

    Displaying recordset column names

    Buffering is on by default. If you had a page that took a long time to generate, a Response.Flush() after each chunk (or even row) will keep the user happier. Another reason to use it is if you have a page that's erroring out, you can get what it's generated so far by flushing it and have the...
  19. Genimuse

    Dynamic array error

    Agreed absolutely on the GetRows. You'd replace this: objRecordSet.MoveFirst Do Until objRecordSet.EOF redim preserve HostsArray(counter) HostsArray(counter)= objRecordSet.Fields("Name").Value objRecordSet.MoveNext counter=counter+1 Loop with this: HostsArray = objRecordSet.GetRows()...
  20. Genimuse


    Or possibly: Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT idField FROM tAllHosts WHERE HostName = 'blah'") if not rs.eof then 'do update else 'do insert end if as I think that'll be faster than an aggregate function.

Part and Inventory Search
