You won't get any of this to work with a grid. Think of the grid as windows of a modern skyscraper and you're standing on the outside. Those windows don't open. They don't do anything except let you look inside. By default what you get on the inside is a textbox. You can replace that text box...
Recordings is not a good method/function/procedure name. A good name will tell you What it does, for example, GetRecordingByKey or some such thing. That should help you to not confuse all the recording references.
BTW, it doesn't matter if you declare it a function or procedure. It's how you...
I advise against this. BROWSE is filled with problems, the worst of which is you access the table directly for long periods of time. I've seen more data corruption cause by BROWSE than any other single command.
A better way is to use a grid against a read-only cursor.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP...
Whenever I need to handle text in VFP and not sure the best way, I go here
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
More and more UX experts are coming out against doing this in a textbox because it isn't discoverable. Anything that the user sees or does should be questioned "How does this affect the user? From their view is this good or bad? Does it make things harder or easier for the user?"
If you're...
From a usability standpoint, don't do this. I've lost count of the number of web forms where the prompt disappears as soon as a textbox gets focus. It's usually on a login form and I have to idea if they want a username or email address.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter...
There is one gotcha in all this that I've never seen documented. The issue is with EXCLUSIVE OFF and then USE theDbf SHARED, what happens is the table is opened shared, but the DBC is opened exclusive.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
I've seen Rick recommend using .Net to do web services then use COM Interop to get the data into/out of VFP. For the most part, SOAP is dead. Most people are doing REST web services now.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
Line number is really meaningless. It will vary based on font type and size, margins, line spacing, etc.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
Visual Studio architect edition has some of those capabilities, but it's VERY expensive.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
You should rethink using printer fonts. I've seen them used, then the printer dies and the new printers don't support those fonts. It took weeks to rework every report.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
The issue really isn't that a file gets bigger than 2 GB, but rather how VFP allocates memory to work with the file. For years people asked for the 2 GB limit to be removed and the answer was that it would break all existing applications because it would change how memory was allocated...
Do not use OLEDB. Microsoft is discontinuing its support for SQL Server.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
The best I think we can do is give you general advice here.....
- Don't use single characters for most variable names (loop counters are the exception). Code should be self-documenting, meaning you can figure out what it's doing by reading the code. Variable names like m, s, and g give no...
Resharper doesn't change anything in C#. It just makes VS easier to use and coding faster.
Craig Berntson
.Net MVP, Author, Tech Presenter
My best advice: Buy it now.
But it takes some time to master it.
You can get a 30 day trial.
Craig Berntson
MCSD, Visual C# MVP,
There's a reason a textbox has a Valid event. This is where validation belongs. Simply return .T. to allow the control to lose focus or .F. to remain in the control.
Craig Berntson
MCSD, Visual C# MVP,
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