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Search results for query: *

  1. Chad123

    Recuring Query

    Heya, I have a query that needs to be run several times – same query, variable data - on both an Access DB and SQL Server DB… This being said, would it be faster to run this query as a new recordset everytime, or to open the table in a recordset and rs.Filter everytime closing the recordset...
  2. Chad123

    Adobe toolbar buttons in WebBrowser control

    Hiya, I am using the Microsoft WebBrowser ActiveX control with the Adobe plugin (just need to install Adobe Acrobat) on my VB6 form. This works great, but when a user navigates to a PDF, the file is loaded with the Adobe toolbar within the WebBrowser control. Is there any way I can control...
  3. Chad123

    Adobe toolbar buttons in WebBrowser control

    Hiya, I am using the Microsoft WebBrowser ActiveX control with the Adobe plugin (just need to install Adobe Acrobat) on my VB6 form. This works great, but when a user navigates to a PDF, the file is loaded with the Adobe toolbar within the WebBrowser control. Is there any way I can control...
  4. Chad123

    ADO - connection gets lost?

    Hey, You may need to set your CommandTimeout to something like 150 or so. Your query/queries may be working hard and timing out. ex. cn.open <parameters> cn.CommandTimeout = 150 Chad
  5. Chad123

    Row cannot be located for updating

    Hey, What you will need to do is requery your recordset. This will allow your recordset to grab the most recent data. I tend to do this at the beginning of each function when I have a global recordset open that is used in many places...It is easy, quick and adds database integrity to your...
  6. Chad123

    Index count of an activex ctl?

    If you have an array of command buttons, such as cmd(0), cmd(1) and cmd(2) then on the click event of the button you can grab the index and run your code for that button/index, like this: Private Sub cmb_Click(Index as Long) Select Case Index Case 0 'Insert cmd(0) code...
  7. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    Hey, No problem Trudye. Glad to have aided in the functionality of your app... If you make it big, make sure to add me as a reference...lol Take care Chad
  8. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    You are correct, except for one thing.... You do not place single quotes around values where the field has a numeric datatype... thusly, if sSID is 24365 then the query would look like such: sSQL = &quot;SELECT Fnamec, Lnamec, related, sex, dobc FROM HHold WHERE scccc_ID = 24365&quot; if the...
  9. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    haha, you had some of it right.... You can only place values that match that fields datatype... if the field datatype is set to Number, then you can only place a numeric value in that field. In your query, you will never need single quotes aroung the field you are wanting, only the values you...
  10. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    Ok, so the Value you wanna base your criteria on is a number, and the field datatype is a number? If so, then you do not need single quotes at all. However, if the value is a string, then you will need to encase the criteria like such: WHERE x = 'value' So yours (granted sSID is a string and...
  11. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    no no, what I meant was this: If get1strec = &quot;False&quot; Then gaKey = cboHH.ItemData(cboHH.ListIndex) sSQL = &quot;SELECT Fnamec, Lnamec, related, sex, dobc&quot; sSQL = sSQL & &quot; FROM HHold&quot; sSQL = sSQL & &quot; WHERE scccc_ID = &quot; sSQL = sSQL &...
  12. Chad123

    Noice SQL Question

    First of all, unless sSID is a number, then you will need to surround the value with single quotes(')... Also, the query that you have there WILL return all instances that meet those requirements. If you only want the One instance of it, then use DISTINCT... SELECT DISTINCT ....
  13. Chad123

    Turning Text to CAPS

    I would use the UCase command. It can be used like such: Chr(KeyAscii)=UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))
  14. Chad123


    Hey, I have always used VSFlexGrid 6, and have always used the 'Formatstring' command when creating column headers, but I have recently upgraded to VSFlexGrid 7. How can I create a column header with VSFlexGrid 7? Thanks, Chad
  15. Chad123

    Error 339...

    Do you get any other errors when this error occurs, or is there a sequence of errors? My issue ended up being something totally different from that of the original error.
  16. Chad123

    Error 339...

    Is it with ChckMate as well or a different control?
  17. Chad123

    Error 372: Failed to load control...

    Ha, nevermind, I figured out what the source of my grief was... It seemed that me calling a control resize upon form load was causing a HUGE load on the machine at once...and with Win9x the memory resource managemnet SUX... anywho, I changed the form to call the resize only when needed, and...
  18. Chad123

    Error 372: Failed to load control...

    Hey, Jeez, I have been having some MAD issues lately. Damned Win9x...haha Anywho, here is my issue: OS: Win9x Ram/Processor: Doesn't seem to make a difference All the errors I get happen on the same line of code, and that is when I try and SHOW a particular form. Error: Error 372 Failed...
  19. Chad123

    Error 339...

    Nevermind, I have fixed the issue. It appered to be caused by a file that was shared by many apps. I revised the file and all is well now! Thanks for the help
  20. Chad123

    JRO (Jet Replication Object) / MDAC

    I tried all of the above and I kept seeing the same symptoms. Thusly, I removed all versions of MDAC and Jet, rebooted (Being a Win9x environment), then reinstalled MDAC 2.5 sp3, which contails Jet, and JRO... This seemed to help as everything is working now... However, Any other...

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