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Search results for query: *

  1. gamerland

    VAP migration to WPS

    As a new WPS user you have technical support - you paid for it, so I suggest using it. Call the help desk and have them open a ticket for any information they have on migrating from VAP to WPS. They have the advantage of access to the internal IBM data they can (and will) share with you.
  2. gamerland

    Need to run JUNIT code against a standalone service

    It is possible, and we do it all the time. Unless, you have very specific cache type testing needed. In that case you may need to restart the server to have the data in cache reloaded. The developers should create a junit test page for each service. On that page put the input fields and a...
  3. gamerland

    WSAD Classpath help

    Check server permissions. Look at the security logs and see if any id is getting rejected. Unfortunately, WSAD "helps" you do things that are sometimes different if you are outside of WSAD (until you figure out what is happening.) Also check that the directory delimiters are generic if you...
  4. gamerland

    Must I reboot each time? - \\server\drectory question

    I setup a shared directory for people in our group. Before I hand it over to them, I like to test the permissions, by signing into the share. While everything should work, it is a test I do routinely. The problem is once I sign in from my XP desktop the first time, it remembers who I am until...
  5. gamerland

    Win2003 - Network Setup

    Good day, I am helping a friend setup a server for his office (MD) and the menus/options in 2003 for Networking are proving difficult. He has a Linksys router that assigns an IP. The server however needs a fixed IP (or maybe not - see below). The router controls the connection to the...
  6. gamerland

    VPN Connection Problem

    It may be your VPN requires a static IP to maintain a continous link. I had greater success when using a fixed IP for the computer using the VPN, until the office upgrade thier hardware on their side. In addition, my DSL provider at the time had a nasty habit of dropping the connection every...
  7. gamerland

    BEFSR41 - not found after XP install

    bcaster - I can ping it and here is what IPCONFIG /all returns: C:\>IPCONFIG /all Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : officebx1 Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown IP Routing Enabled. . . . ...
  8. gamerland

    BEFSR41 - not found after XP install

    I recently installed windows XP SP2, and since the install I cannot reach the router configuration panel. I can reach the internet fine, but I cannot change anything. Any ideas on what may be wrong would be appreciated. I have tried this with XP firewall turned off to no avail. Thank you, Mike.
  9. gamerland

    Resetting a group of linux user ids

    When creating a group of user ids for some reason all the passwords were bad. The command was: useradd -gdevgrp -s/bin/sh -pt0day -d/home/jsmith -m jsmith when they try to signon using t0day it get rejected. We reset the passwd with passwd jsmith and it works fine even when set back to t0day...
  10. gamerland

    Bad Design Question

    Hi, I have an end user that wants data entry fields on the web form to flash, preferable in yellow, blue, and red. I would like to show a simple HTML example, as a picture is worth 1000 words in this case. However, I cannot get the field background to flash. Any samples out there? Regards ---
  11. gamerland

    SQL question - sub select against same table

    hello, I have a set of data that should be simple to answer but I just cannot get it right. DATATABLE fld1 fld2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 A 2 A 3 1 3 F 4 A 4 A I am trying to figure out how many times fld2 is different within fld1. In this case 1 time for key 3. As...
  12. gamerland

    Indirect - Dynamic Array names

    I have a KSH function and I have simplified the issue. If too much let me know. funcPrintList { NAMELIST=$1 for NAME in $NAMELIST do print $NAME done return 0 } # # Array of names # set -A NMELIST bob jane rick sarah # #mainline # funcPrintList "${NMELIST}" exit 0 This works...
  13. gamerland

    Help needed to Kill Idle

    The thread offers a command, not an actual solution. Thanks again.
  14. gamerland

    Help needed to Kill Idle

    Hello, I need to kill users who have been on the system "idle" for over "X" hours. If x=10, then it would be anyone 10 hours or more. I was hoping for something more elegant than dumping to a file. My problem has been that when I finger I can get idle times of nothing...
  15. gamerland

    remote command in shell script

    You are looking for rsh. You can man or google it. I would suggest, that if you need to set it up, instead setup ssh. ssh is secure and you can eliminate the need for passwords, while still being secure. http://www.steidler.net/uptime/ for wed june 18, 2003 tells how to set up ssh in a...
  16. gamerland

    automating Telnet

    SamBones' is on this one too. I would add if you do not have rsh set up, consider ssh. If you have to set one up, this is secure and it has the added advantage that once you create the keys (you run a one time process to do this -- 45 seconds) you don't need to sign into the remote box. It...
  17. gamerland

    Grepping a string across mutiple directories

    Maybe... I have to put a minor disclaimer when you say "looking across the whole server". If you install GNU Grep, the -r option allows for recursive searching. [Interesting is I just answered what the -r option was in another question, not two minutes ago. Fate...?]...
  18. gamerland

    help with grep

    GNU grep has tbe -r option, which allows you to recursively search a directory tree. This removes the need to use find with grep to span the directory tree. SamBones' interpretation is correct with the addition of:search all files in this directory and below for...
  19. gamerland

    for loop

    Yes, but I do not think it is what you wish. Here is a good Korn shell overview site: http://www.vis.ethz.ch/manuals/Unixkurs/ksh.html#looping for foo in $(ls);do if [[ -d $foo ]];then print "$foo is a directory" else print "$foo is not a directory" fi...
  20. gamerland

    How to access return value of unix command.

    $? is the last return code encountered. Be careful almost everything provides a return code so grep -q "file" * ls -la echo $? # returns zero regardless of grep, because ls was successful. grep -q "file" * RC=$? #save the return code to check later ls -la To test the...

Part and Inventory Search
