thank you so much regarding the screen saver...even though we don't have anything other then the HP one, I will give it a try...I didn't think about that, see...that's why I asked for help :) Oh, BTW....turns out that there is major problems with ME system and AOL not getting along on...
actually, if you go to the windows support section...they will show you some of the troubleshooting questions and sure enough, this very problem is shared by's a millenium issue and trust me,I'm pretty pee'd off about this crappy thing too. Why the heck didnt' they just keep with...
I appreciate those ideas, but trust me...both have been checked's the latest problem....this is a brand new hardware added, it's still the same as it was when we bought it. You'll be working, then boom, you've lost everything to a blue screen with that above message. It...
We have a BRAND new HP that came with the blasted ME edition. There HAS to be something wrong with it. In one day, we are now on our THIRD pc...and now THIS one has a problem. Windows still runs even though no windows are open, can't run scan disc, doesn't take the restore disc and now this...
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