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  • Users: LiLgUrL
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  1. LiLgUrL

    Datagrid - can't REFRESH!!!!

    garths2 it;s you again! Thanks for answering my questions I am really learning a lot from you and from this forum of course... You're my hero [thumbsup]
  2. LiLgUrL

    Datagrid - can't REFRESH!!!!

    i got it! Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .Open "Select * FROM Temp_BOM", conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockPessimistic While .EOF = False .Delete .MoveNext Wend rs.Requery End With Adodc1.Refresh...
  3. LiLgUrL

    Datagrid - can't REFRESH!!!!

    it's my first time to use datagrid and im still trying to discover some of its magic - if we can call it that way :) ok - i am using a combo box (contains list of filenames - which are in excel format) and once i selected one... it will be imported into a temporary table - and from there it...
  4. LiLgUrL

    Flexgrid to Table - Compare contents

    oh i think i got it... ' start code Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .Open "Select * from tblPartNumber", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic For i = 1 To flgPartNum.Rows - 2 rs.Find "PartNumber = '" & flgPartNum.TextMatrix(i, 0) & "'" If rs.EOF Then rs.AddNew...
  5. LiLgUrL

    Flexgrid to Table - Compare contents

    hi garths2 thanks for the prompt reply i tried your code... but just like mine when the PartNumber is existing I receive an error "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate vaules in the index..." i can't figure where the error lies... because...
  6. LiLgUrL

    Flexgrid to Table - Compare contents

    Here's my code... Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .Open "Select * from tblPartNumber", conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockPessimistic For i = 1 To flgPartNum.Rows - 2 If !PartNumber = flgPartNum.TextMatrix(i, 0) Then !PartNumber = flgPartNum.TextMatrix(i, 0) !GenDesc =...
  7. LiLgUrL

    Append not Create

    ei what happened no more reply i have 5 yesterday? how come zero?
  8. LiLgUrL

    Append not Create

    i want to import xls into my table (i mean append not create a new table) the code below creates new table ... the solution that i have as not to receive the error MyTable already exists... table will be deleted first... Question: Is there any other way to solve this? Dim conX As...
  9. LiLgUrL

    Is this a virus?!!!

    i brought my monitor to a electronic shop and they said it was plyback... and they said it's hopeless so i have no choice but to buy another one... i just wonder if that plyback whatever will cause the blinking... (sorry i just have some doubts that the technician mess up my monitor becase he...
  10. LiLgUrL

    Allow Update Not Working?

    Thanks for the prompt reply SonOfEmidec1100 ... i tried your code but still my table is not being updated... if is impossible to update with the connections coded then perhapz i have no choice but to use the adodc (form style) i just dont want to use it as much as possible because it doesn't...
  11. LiLgUrL

    Allow Update Not Working?

    Function Connect_Dbase() Set Conn = New ADODB.Connection ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbSys.mdb;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False" Conn.Open ConnStr End Function Dim rsX As ADODB.Recordset Dim strRs As...
  12. LiLgUrL

    Is this a virus?!!!

    i have norton and says successfully deleted... one friend of mine says maybe a monitor problem. you think it is possible? Few days ago my monitor blinks at startup only... but will stop when im at the windows mode... but just last night even if im in the windows mode it still blinking...and...
  13. LiLgUrL

    Is this a virus?!!!

    i found a virus js.fortnight.c filename: unknown00000000.data norton deleted it automaticalky but how come the blinking is still there?...
  14. LiLgUrL

    SP2 Trouble

    Greetings! i have 4 drives (partitioned) let's say C:, D:, F: and G: ... I just installed service pack2 and guess what?!!! after installing SP2 when i was about to open my files in drive G it says the disk is not formated, do you want to format it now (something like that) ... i don't know what...
  15. LiLgUrL

    Is this a virus?!!!

    hello pipz! i am having problem with my computer and i don;t know if it was infected by a certain virus... everytime i ON my computer at start up my screen keeps on blinking - but will stop once it is in the windows mode... i dont know if it is a hardware problem or what ... because this is my...
  16. LiLgUrL

    How to delete a table

    i am not an expert in vb6 i just code when i need to do so and i am having a problem... i am importing an excel to my database(mdb) using thread222-691548 as my basis... my problem now... that code creates a table... and when i run it again i receive an error the table is already existing... so...
  17. LiLgUrL

    Export .mdb Table to .xls format

    oh... never mind i figured it out... thanks to all of you... til then!
  18. LiLgUrL

    Export .mdb Table to .xls format

    hi mmilan, thanks for the reply but there's a but :) your code is working well ... but there's one thing i can't get... what if i want to select multiple table(1 table-1 worksheet) so if i have 3 tables i'll get 3 worksheets in one excel file.
  19. LiLgUrL

    Export .mdb Table to .xls format

    hi swi! ' Add a reference to Microsoft Active X Data Objects X.X Library Dim CONN As New ADODB.Connection Dim NUMOFRECORDS As Long Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass DoEvents CONN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & "MDB_PATH_AND_NAME" & _ ";" CONN.Execute...
  20. LiLgUrL


    i have patched... but the virus is still there... i don't know what to do now...

Part and Inventory Search
