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Search results for query: *

  1. rkolva

    File.delete not working on Win7 64

    Thanks Dian, Tried System.getSecurityManager(), gives me a null pointer while instantiating a new one does return a SecurityManager, don't know why the difference? CheckDelete throws a AccessControlException: access denied. Looks like Win7 will allow the routine to read, write, create...
  2. rkolva

    File.delete not working on Win7 64

    I left the code in mid testing so it's not real clean but here is what I have for the method to delete the csv file private static boolean removeCsv() { boolean fileRemoved = false; /** try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(inputFile__); //...
  3. rkolva

    File.delete not working on Win7 64

    C:\CBLTest\CblXml. I know under Program Files/Program Files (x86) it's admin protected, are directories I create under the root dir as well? Eventually the routine will run on a Linux box. Right now I'm trying to understand why it's not working and at least include a block to handle this...
  4. rkolva

    File.delete not working on Win7 64

    I have a directory of csv files I'm converting to xml, once the file is converting making a copy of csv to an archive dir and want to remove the original csv from the input dir (ftp). Outside of using File.exists I've been unable to get the File class to do any file operations in the file...
  5. rkolva

    ReadURL PRG not sending POST data

    See if this works for you lsURL = 'http://localhost/readstock.php' lsSendThis = 'SomeContent' loHTTP = CREATEOBJECT("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") loHTTP.Open("POST", lsURL, .F.) loHTTP.SetCredentials('UserName', 'Password', 0) loHTTP.SetRequestHeader("content-type"...
  6. rkolva

    VFP, XML-RPC to Web API

    See if this helps you out a little. I tried the URL but all I get back is the entire page. I have used this method with my own xml services in the past without problem sURL = [http://www.fotolia.com/Services/API/Method/test] sXML = [<?xml version="1.0"...
  7. rkolva

    XML editor suggestions (XML newbie)

    MS has XML Notepad as a free download. No where close to being in the same league as XML Spy. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=72d6aa49-787d-4118-ba5f-4f30fe913628&displaylang=en
  8. rkolva

    is there anyway to hide page source from being revealed?

    Total newbie here with a question about this. I'm mostly and application programmer trying to broaden my skills so I've been playing with all this Html, CSS, Php, and Zend Framework stuff. Noticed that when I select 'View Source' from my browser (Firefox) when using this Model/View/Controller...
  9. rkolva

    read an XML file into textboxes and then update its values

    I would bet you could create an xpath expression to get a node by value but I'm not experienced enough to tell you how to do that. Seems like you would need to hold on to the old value in order to find the node and then change it's value to the new value I supposed you could traverse the XML...
  10. rkolva

    read an XML file into textboxes and then update its values

    I'll jump out on a limb here and give it a shot. I've done something similar in Visual FoxPro and C# where the user updates settings from an external XML file. I keep the DOM as an object property from which I read and write each XML node or element as needed. If you know the node name then...
  11. rkolva

    Automatically send form data?

    I would second the suggestion of visiting Rick Strahl's page, excellent resource. The IE automation looks interesting for parsing out the page but seems a little heavy handed if you just want to POST the data, also I would test it to see if it's IE version dependant. I've been using...
  12. rkolva

    how do i go about decrypting php code?

    Oh yeah, there are a bunch of publicly recognized encryption algorithms (DES, 3DES, Blowfish, RC4, etc.) and if it's one of those your chances of decoding without knowing the key is pretty slim. If you know where this code was called from I would look there for some clue to how this was...
  13. rkolva


    If this is the article that uses the crypto class wrapper around the MS Crypto API calls I would suggest you look for another encryption option. I tried the same approach years back and I think it was Craig Boyd who alerted me to some underlying problem in the Cryptographic Service Provider...
  14. rkolva

    Do I need a degree?

    I would have to agree with most of the responses so far, No you don't need a degree to obtain a position. Intelligence, experience, networking, a good work ethic, and curiosity can carry you pretty far. That being said, I would suggest you look at your long term plans, if you're young and...
  15. rkolva

    calling local PHP script

    Sorry Mike, I should have been more specific. I'm trying to call a PHP script from VFP. We have a VFP GUI, a MySQL DB, and the question is what to put the business logic into so that we could run the application both as client/server and stand alone on a single machine. The remote server is...
  16. rkolva

    calling local PHP script

    Looking for alternative methods to calling a local PHP script. I assume I could make an HttpRequuest call to LocalHost but was wondering if there is another method of calling a local script? Thanks, Ralph Kolva
  17. rkolva

    New to PHP - Installation questions

    jpadie, Thanks for recommending 'Aptana'. Used it for most of yesterday and it was a lot simpler to get up and running than setting up 'Eclipse'. Seems to load a bit faster than Eclipse as well, guess that might be a result of the number of plug-ins it's laoding? Ralph Kolva
  18. rkolva

    New to PHP - Installation questions

    I'm brand new to PHP as well. From visiting Tek-Tips for years I know there are others in the forum that are excellent programmers and can offer you much more info than I but I will be happy to share my experience so far. Since I'm developing locally on a Windows (XP Pro) machine I chose to...
  19. rkolva

    General Client Server Question

    One of the simplest ways to exchange data between a client app and DB server is to use one of the established connection constructs (ODBC, ADO, SQL Passthrough, etc.) The underlying data format may not be strictly XML but in many cases converting to XML at either end is trivial. My...
  20. rkolva

    Consuming web service with VFP 9.0 with Certificate

    I don't know how to submit a certificate with SOAP but it's pretty simple to do with the COM interface for WinHttp as long as the certificate is in the certificate root store. lsCertName = [Certificate's friendly name] lsURL = [http://www.foxcentral.net/foxcentral.wsdl] lsUserName = [UserName]...

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