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Search results for query: *

  1. Prattdakota

    #Name? error on report control

    LISAWAY, Thanks for the suggestion. My control source does have the correct format as you have pointed out. So, I think I'm good there. In calling this report, I have one form (multiple report selection) which invokes the selection form for my report in hidden mode before opening the...
  2. Prattdakota

    #Name? error on report control

    Hi PH, No, I leave the selection form open when opening and closing the report. Would it make a difference if I left the selection form open when CLOSING the report? Since the control on the report shows the correct value on page 1 but not page 2 I am mystified. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Prattdakota

    #Name? error on report control

    I have a report which has enough controls on it to make the report go to a second page. In the "Page Header" section of the report I have a control which displays one of the columns of a combo box from the selection form I created. This page header prints on both pages. When I bring up the...
  4. Prattdakota

    vba filter expression syntax

    Thanks for the reply SeeThru. Yes, I've resorted to just that type of coding which does seem to work. I actually have about a dozen transaction codes but just used two to illustrate the problem. I guess this is just one case where I'll make it work but never understand the cause of the error...
  5. Prattdakota

    vba filter expression syntax

    Hi PH. Thanks very much for the suggestion. That was a good idea and I hadn't thought of it. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do the trick either. I also tried the following with the same resultant error message: .Filter = "TransactionCode In ('ASST SURGEON', 'ATTENDNOTP')" I appreciate...
  6. Prattdakota

    vba filter expression syntax

    Hello - I'm having an issue with a filter to a recordset in my code. When I try to ensure the correct precedence by adding parenthesis I get an error. For example: The following line works fine: .Filter = "TransPostFiscalYear = " & intFiscalYear & " AND (TransactionCode = 'ASST SURGEON') OR...
  7. Prattdakota

    Subscript out of range

    Hey PH. Thanks for the good advice. That did fix the issue. It should have been obvious to me given my statement was within a With..End With construct. I'm not real clear on why it works the first time but not the second but I really appreciate the info.
  8. Prattdakota

    Subscript out of range

    I'm writing VBA code within Access that will open two Excel workbooks and then move a sheet from one book to the other book. Then it will close both workbooks and close the Excel object. The first time I run the code it works fine. Then if I try to run the code a second time I get a...
  9. Prattdakota

    Object required error on For Each c In Selection

    Golom and AceMan. Thanks to both of you very much for pointing me in the right direction. You are both correct in that I had an unqualified reference. I kept thinking it was on the "c" instead of on the .Selection. ObjWorksheet.Selection seemed like the intuitive answer to me also, however...
  10. Prattdakota

    Object required error on For Each c In Selection

    Hi AceMan, Thanks very much for the response. I've given your suggestion a try and continue to get the same error. Seems strange. I guess I'll write the code some other way to try to get it to work. Thanks again.
  11. Prattdakota

    Object required error on For Each c In Selection

    I'm having an issue while trying to edit an Excel workbook from Access using VBA. The odd thing is, when I open the database and run the routine the first time it works. When I try to run it a second time I get a "run time error 424 Object required" message. When I go to debug, the program...
  12. Prattdakota

    Need to get date from server instead of client

    Roy - Sorry for not getting back to you on this previously. I added the code and tested at my client's site earlier this week. It worked like magic. Great solution. You get a belated star from me. Thanks again.
  13. Prattdakota

    Need to get date from server instead of client

    Roy - Thanks very much for your input. I'll give that a try and see if I can get it to work in my app.
  14. Prattdakota

    Need to get date from server instead of client

    I have a number of users accessing a database which resides on a network server. The problem is that their system dates are not always reliable and I need to be able to pull the system date from the server on which the database resides. This is not an SQL server so the GetDate() function...
  15. Prattdakota

    Month function works in module not in object class

    Thanks PHV. That worked great. Much appreciated.
  16. Prattdakota

    Month function works in module not in object class

    I have a form which has a command button on it. The On Click event of the button invokes the class object form code which uses the Month function as follows: Dim x As Integer x = Month(#10/5/2004#) When run, the code produces a type mismatch error. If I run this same code in a module it...
  17. Prattdakota

    After Update Event Access 2000 Forms

    I would guess that since its an unbound field, it's not getting initialized when you go to a new record. You're seeing the value from the last previous update. I would try setting the unbound field to Null on the current event to clear it out on a new record.
  18. Prattdakota

    Cross Tab Report : X pages wide by Y pages tall?

    Duane, Thanks much. That was just the ticket. I had gone to the print setup columns tab previously, but had done it by selecting the subreport from within the main report, thinking I was getting the subreport settings. Thanks again, I appreciate the info. Dave
  19. Prattdakota

    Cross Tab Report : X pages wide by Y pages tall?

    I realize this thread goes back a few weeks, but I was looking for a way to report off a crosstab query. I found this thread and downloaded Duane's solution. Very slick solution and it works great. I have one problem. I'm a newbie with subreports and cannot get the subreport in the level...

Part and Inventory Search
