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Search results for query: *

  1. sboomer

    Is There Any More Clipper Programmer in World????

    I am sure there are a lot of us older around and still looking to contribute to maintaining the Cl*pper legacy. I also have used the language from Summer86 upto 5.2e with several libraies like Flexfile,Telepathy, LighLib & Blinker to name a few. I never moved up to 5.3 as I have all the...
  2. sboomer

    Compare modification date of an .ntx and a .dbf file

    Due to compatibilty issues with ADIR(), it is advised to use DIRECTORY() instead. Much easier to use. Sam
  3. sboomer

    Get Data from Database

    The error at line 27 is expecting a key value. The following snippet will correct that error as function call expects a key value private nTp := nTop - 2, nLft := nLeft + 1 //default nInKey TO 1 if empty(nInkey) inkey := 1 endif nRight += 2 The error at 425/428 is missing a semicolon...
  4. sboomer

    Get Data from Database

    Here is a set of functions that I use to search a alphabetic db of patients for an electronic medical record. The first search is on last name and after pressing / or , or . will switch to first name than initial. Although you are searching numbers and they are stored as characters, you can...
  5. sboomer

    Clipper exe fails to open dbf running on win2000

    What I use regularly to create a new database with the structure from another is the following code snippet which is using a dbf (PS)using Flexfile (DBV) fields to a DBT structured file (PS_1). Use PS VIA "FlexFile" NEW aDbf := PS->(DBSTRUCT()) dbcreate('PS_1', aDbf, 'DBFNTX') Use PS_1 NEW...
  6. sboomer

    Clipper exe fails to open dbf running on win2000

    Make sure you have enough file handles allocated in your "files=" statement in your lnk file or your config.* DBFNTX/1002 Open error (.dbt) Explanation: The specified memo (.dbt) file could not be opened. Action: Some suggestions to resolve the problem are: 1. Check to...
  7. sboomer

    Compile - undefined symbol(s) after library search error

    I did a search and found they are funcions from Artful FreshWin. If interested, you can order the Artful FreshWin library from: Artful Applications Inc. . 176 St. George Street . Toronto, Ont. M5R 2M7 Voice (416) 920-7395 . Fax (416) 920-4892 . BBS (416) 538-3107 Sam
  8. sboomer

    Compile - undefined symbol(s) after library search error

    The V_ functions are from FLEXFILE.LIB which you haven't included in the .lnk script. I am not familiar with the other funcion calls, but you are not including the library they are a part of.
  9. sboomer

    A tree

    HAG I have a series of menu style routines that I use extensively in some of my programs that perform tree-ing off I may be able to modify for use by you to obtain what I think you are wanting to do. Can I contact you via info@yourwebsite or support@yourwebsite or give me another way. Or get...
  10. sboomer

    A tree

    Are you looking to do this by emulating a tree structure in a visual mode? Did you think about using a series of tbrowses that when a line item in one tbrowse could branch off to another tbrowse to another tbrowse and so on...
  11. sboomer

    A tree

    What are you intending to do?
  12. sboomer

    Linksys forgot password

    If they were not changed from factory settings, they are both 'admin'. In lower case and no quotes.
  13. sboomer

    Check box in a browse

    It can be done. The way that I do it is to add a space at the beginning of the string in the first column. I load a dbf into an array //-------------------------------------------------------- dbeval({|| aadd(a1, ' ' + db_names->db_name)} , ...
  14. sboomer

    Compiling On XP ?

    More than happy to assist you Laado. After all, a lot of us need some sort of aid once in a while. Sam
  15. sboomer

    Compiling On XP ?

    I build Clipper 5.2e all the time on XP SP1. What I have done is to set my paths to Clipper and Blinker into the syetem environment variables under system properties under 'Your Computer'. This allows a call to Clipper or Blinker from the dos wondow prompt with out running your batch file. My...
  16. sboomer

    XML File

    After writing the file with the COPY TO command, reopen the file that was created with low-level access and move the pointer to the end of the file, back up one bit, then resave the file.
  17. sboomer

    BLX-286: Error 1304

    From the NG: This message indicates that the DOS extender cannot switch to protected mode due to the configuration of 386 memory management software. When a 386 memory manager is present, the DOS extender is not permitted to use its own mode switching modes to enter or leave protected mode...
  18. sboomer

    New to Clipper and programming

    I think rob444 ment www.harbour-project.org, but unfortunately, that server has failed and is under repair and expecteted to be online again soon, at least that it the message being displayed when you acess the site. sboomer
  19. sboomer

    Blinker does not produce an executable

    Christian, After rereading your initial message, the error that is being shown is a Rmake error and not a Blinker error: 'Error RMAKE/R2001 Exit 12: BLINKER OUTPUT EXE-FILE @LINK-File' The Exit 12 after the RMAKE/R2001 may be from a result of the directory reassignment and the Windows Long File...

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