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Search results for query: *

  1. bombdropVB

    Stored Proc encryption

    Thanks was wanting to hear that though. Looks like I'v a lot of editing to do!!!!
  2. bombdropVB

    Stored Proc encryption

    Hi is there away to encryption all my stored procs in one operation, in other words a bulk encryption of all stored procs. Thanks
  3. bombdropVB

    View v's Stored Proc?

    Is there any advantage of using a view over a non paramatised stored procedure?
  4. bombdropVB

    Createing an excel file

    Try the following Excell creation In VB this will creat a workbook and sheets without Excel on the machine Hope this helps
  5. bombdropVB

    looks like WinXP

    You could alos take a look at VB Smart this has some good free Xp stlye controls the menu control stands out!!! Hope this helps!!!!
  6. bombdropVB

    looks like WinXP

    You could also take a look at the followwing site SmartVB you will find some fee XP stlye controls the menu control is very good and takes a lot of the pain away associated with menu creation. Hopr this helps!!!
  7. bombdropVB


    Try using the SSTab controle it makes the whole prossess painles as each tab gives you a new pain to laycontrols on so no need to send to front or change the visability state of controls. Hope this helps!!
  8. bombdropVB

    How to split a form?

    The following link is for a FREE splitter control for use in VB6 it truely is a great control and better than the .Net version. MB Splitter Hope this helps !!!
  9. bombdropVB

    How do i get my program to go into the system tray

    I have a tutorial for this that i got of the web a hile back. Also there is a FREE third party control that can do it for you also MB TRAY
  10. bombdropVB

    Select database

    Try changing the code to this Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\test\orders.mdb") Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(cmbTables.Text, dbOpenDynaset) Hope this helps!!!
  11. bombdropVB

    Function Question

    Try the following it should be what you are looking for! Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a1 As String a1 = "as" MsgBox fac(a1) End Sub Public Function fac(letter As String) As Integer If Asc(LCase(letter)) <= 122 And Asc(LCase(letter)) >= 97 Then fac =...
  12. bombdropVB

    Stop template being modified

    Hi all I'm writitng a template that adds a combo box tothe standard controlbar. but when saving the document it also wants to save changes to the .dot file also. Private Sub Document_New() Dim cboNames As CommandBarComboBox Dim objToolbar As CommandBar Dim conTelList As...
  13. bombdropVB

    method ` of object ` failed

    What object are you using????
  14. bombdropVB

    MsgBox - vbOKCancel

    Or along the same lines this Select Case MsgBox("Please chose", vbYesNoCancel Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "") Case vbYes 'Do something Case vbNo 'Do something Case vbCancel 'Do something End Select Hope this helps!!!
  15. bombdropVB

    Creating a Directory in Windows

    You could also use this, it allows you to make as long a directory poath as you like. Private Declare Function SHCreateDirectoryEx Lib "shell32" Alias _ "SHCreateDirectoryExA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal pszPath As String, _ ByVal psa As Any) As Long Private Sub Form_Load()...
  16. bombdropVB


    Not the mopst elegant solution but you could place both conection string within your code strating with the newest first cheching for an error if no erro then continu else open up the connection using the older version
  17. bombdropVB

    how to use stored procedure in vb 6.0 and pass parameters

    The following link will help in the creation of stored procs in a VB project Stored Proc Wizard Hope this helps [2thumbsup] [2thumbsup]
  18. bombdropVB

    Convert an HTML document to a PDF

    You could also try PDFCreator this is freeware pdfcreator
  19. bombdropVB

    Adding Icons with Menu Editor Tool

    This can only be achived via code and not wityh the menu editor. Option Explicit ' MenuBmp sample by Matt Hart - mhart@taascforce.com ' http://www.webczar.com/defcon/mh/vbhelp.html ' http://www.webczar.com/defcon/mh ' ' This sample shows you how to add bitmaps to your ' menu items. First...
  20. bombdropVB

    Delete Whole Line in Word

    Thanks mate but this sorted my problem out got it from another board but thanks anyway 'Loop Through the array placing in the address info For intLoop = 1 To UBound(vntAddress) 'See if the Array elemnt has a value If Len(vntAddress(intLoop)) Then...

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