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Search results for query: *

  1. msperfect

    frontpage shortcut

    I would like to make a shortcut on my desktop to open netscape and go to a certain site from my home page in IE. I thought I had done it before but I can't remember how. We mainly use IE but would like to do this for one particular thing that depends on Netscape. Any help would be...
  2. msperfect

    Problem creating new web

    I am also getting the same "an error occured accessing your FrontPage web files" when I try to publish my site to the server. I was wondering if you had found an answer to the problem yet.
  3. msperfect

    error 1919: error configuring ODBC data source

    I tried the things that didn't involve messing with the registry. I'm a little hesitant to do that. The error mentions Word which none of the error messages I have seen do. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I can't find an odbc driver for word. I've thought about a system restore but...
  4. msperfect

    error 1919: error configuring ODBC data source

    I was having trouble publishing to the server but now I am not able to open FrontPage2000 nor will it install. I removed it and tried to install it but I keep getting an error message: Error 1919: Error configuring ODBC data source: dBase Files - Word, ODBC error 6: Component not found in the...
  5. msperfect


    It was gone but now it's back...I can't believe it. Sould I just go thru the same procedure again but also use spybot and adware? This thing is very annoying!!
  6. msperfect


    It Worked!!!!! The user is happy and I'm happy. Thank you very much for all your help.
  7. msperfect


    what about the Toolbar: Yahoo! Companion - {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} - C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Companion\Installs\cpn\ycomp5_3_12_0.dll entries?
  8. msperfect


    those refer to our mail server.
  9. msperfect


    I ran highjackthis and deleted the top 6 files and rebooted. It's still there. I was leary about deleting the hosts because those are actually servers we log into and I didn' know what would happen if I delete them. Would she not be able to see those servers anymore? Would it just be a temp...
  10. msperfect


    I have a user that has a toolbar at the bottom of her IE screen (it pops up every time you open IE) which redirects IE to searchexe.com/passthrough/popupbaropener.htm. I was in another forum earlier and they suggested I run highjackthis and then post the log here so here it is. I hope someone...
  11. msperfect

    Need to remove Spyware

    here are the log entries: (Hope it helps) Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 1:18:14 PM, on 2/23/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe...
  12. msperfect

    Need to remove Spyware

    I have a user that has a toolbar at the bottom of her IE screen (it pops up every time you open IE) which redirects IE to searchexe.com/passthrough/popupbaropener.htm. Used Spybot but it's still there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I tried to find highjackthis.exe to download but...
  13. msperfect

    multiple users

    We have a Novell Server and some of our users have XP. We now are able to have any user log onto the non-XP machines and have access to whatever they have rights to with their Novell login. Is there a way to do this with the XP machines without creating a profile for each user that might ever...

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