Updating MSXML on the affected computers to the latest service pack should solve this problem for you.
I apologize in advance if this question insults you...but is the Group Policy Object in question...enabled? If it is..have you tried forcing group policies to update themselves? For windows 2000 you would user secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy /enforce
secedit /refreshpolicy...
Another option is to just store your favorites folder on one of your computers share it out, edit the appropriate ShellFolders registry entry and point them all to the same network location. If need be you can make what is in that network share available offline and let offline files and...
Run a hardware inventory scan cycle from the local client after the name change or there will be a longer delay in your SMS database getting the information updated properly. If you run a few tests without doing it you will see what I mean.
Quick suggestion.
Open the Windows Scripting 5.6 Documentation help file and search on fso.deletefolder.
Or read the Error message you posted above. It says that you are sending fso.deletefolder the wrong number of arguments. And you are. fso.deletefolder requires at least one argument...
No. Security policies are stored in the Computer portion of the GPO and as such are processed and enforced by the Server on any user that logs on to it. User policies at the domain level will however be ignored since they would not ever be processed.
You can also use the AdsSecurity dll if you search on it you should get a lot of hits.
Path = "C:\boot.ini"
Dim ADSSEcurity
Dim sec
Set sec = CreateObject("ADsSecurity")
Dim sd
Dim dacl
Dim ace
Set sd = sec.GetSecurityDescriptor("FILE://" & Path)
Set dacl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl
If I am understanding you correctly, you are looking for a way to determine what systems do not have a particular file, and when you are doing your query, you are getting just about everything including the systems that have the file because there are tons of other files stored that are not the...
While I appreciate that this would put a small roadblock in the administrators path, I do not agree that it will prevent a knowledgable administrator from obtaining full access for very long. The important part of the discussion is that for the needs of mirceapop14 the additional solution you...
If an account has administrative access to a particular computer, you can only make it difficult for him to access certain portions of the file system, you cannot however prevent him from accessing anything. This is because as an administrator of a box, they can always take ownership of a...
I have run into an issue before where an invalid character was entered into the profile path of the users account in Active Directory. Double check that the profile property is really blank, not by just looking, rather by setting the cursor inside of the form and really clearing it. In the...
You should be doing this as a Startup Script..NOT a Logon script. The script should be placed into the Computer portion of a group policy object, that way it runs under the local SYSTEM accounts credentials. I posted my script for this here a long time ago you can find it here...
There is no need to expand it since that particular variable is not an environment variable. Just set it equal to the variable and see what happens.
shcut.TargetPath = Swtc
Internet Explorer's location is not typically in the path statement so you will need to provide the complete path to it. i.e
runas /noprofile /user:domain\username "C:\Program Files\Internet Explo
rer\Iexplore.exe \\server\share\folder
Use WMI assuming the client will respond to it that is.......
On Error Resume Next
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject(_
"winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
For Each...
You seemingly cannot do this for one major reason. The operating system won't let you open explorer.exe under multiple credentials (the only time it lets you is if you access an administrative share). Here's the trick I have been using for years to get around this problem. Use Internet...
I know I said I was done with this post, but this was the easiest response method for me. I took a quick look and identified why your script isn't working. I did a tiny modification and your script works fine now. In a nut shell.. you have to set the attributes on the folder itself.
Here is...
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