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Search results for query: *

  1. vincentw56

    Can't open ports

    That is weird because it worked fine with my NetGear router. I "upgraded" to the Cisco because I needed IPSEC for the VPN at work, but it has been nothing but a pain. I wish I had not sold my NetGear. :( Thanks for your help and I will keep playing with it to see what I can find out. Vincent...
  2. vincentw56

    Can't open ports

    Well, that does not work. I had that setup just like that and it still does not work. Below is the current config. As you can see, I have no ACLs and I have setup the port forwarding and it still does not work. Is there something else I am missing? Thanks. version 12.0 no service pad...
  3. vincentw56

    Can't open ports

    Thanks for the reply. I took the access list off both the ethernet and dialer1 interfaces. It still will not open up completely. What I want is to be able to pass a specific port in and out. Once of the ports is tcp 4662. I just want it opened completely so that all information on this port...
  4. vincentw56

    Can't open ports

    I have a Cisco 804 ISDN router. I am trying to open it up completly. I want it to pass everything through no matter what. For some reason I cannot get it to open up completly. Posted below is the config file. What am I doing wrong? Please be detailed as I have some experience with the IOS...
  5. vincentw56

    Hosting Question

    Go here for the runtime: http://www.asp.net/download-1.1.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=1 Vincent Wright Web Developer NSI Software, Inc.
  6. vincentw56

    Calling a dll and reference question

    I am trying to call a dll but the function call does not make since to me. Here is my code: struct VanConnRecord { public string crName; public string crPassword; public string crHost; public string crPort; } [DllImport("vanapi32.dll")] public static extern long...
  7. vincentw56

    Back button disabled

    I think the problem is with IE. I have seen this happen before. IE loses it's temporary history list. Try it with a different browser like Mozilla just for testing. It it works fine, then you will know it is with IE and not your code. I really doubt the problem is in your code. Vincent...
  8. vincentw56

    Back button disabled

    What browser are you using? Vincent Wright Web Developer NSI Software, Inc.
  9. vincentw56

    Deploy ASP.NET app: website vs virtual directory

    You can just copy the files into the main directory. Make sure to copy the bin folder and the web.config file. That should be it. I have done this several times with no problems. Vincent Wright Web Developer NSI Software, Inc.
  10. vincentw56

    Hosting Question

    As long as you have the ASP.NET runtime, it will be fine. I run it both on Windows 2000/IIS5 and Windows 2003/IIS6. Vincent Wright Web Developer NSI Software, Inc.
  11. vincentw56

    Cisco 804 ISDN Router to pass through IPSEC

    Does anyone know how to get a Cisco 804 ISDN router to pass through IPSEC? My company is using Checkpoint VPN-1 Securemote. I then install the client on my PC at home. The router is connected to my ISP and I use the client to tunnel through to our internal network. The client software connects...
  12. vincentw56

    Server Error in '/' Application

    I did that and still got the exact same error. I was able to get on the machine locally and run the application. It produced an error that I could work with. The problem was with security. The installation program did not create the right security on the website. I applied the right...
  13. vincentw56

    Server Error in '/' Application

    Server error in application I keep getting a server error in application, see below. I have modified the web.config file like it says and it still displays the same thing. The aspx page that I am using just has some text in it. There is no HTML or code in it, just text that says - This is a...
  14. vincentw56

    How can I get just the filename of the Open File Dialog

    Just for reference I found another way to do it. System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sFolder) Thanks for the help.
  15. vincentw56

    How can I get just the filename of the Open File Dialog

    How can I get just the filename of the Open File Dialog? If I use txtFileName.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString, it gives me the path and filename. I would like to just get the file name without the path. I am creating a list so when a file is added, it will parse the file name for the...
  16. vincentw56

    Using Findcontrol with a text box problem

    Okay I figured out what you meant by that. I got it working. Thanks for your help it works perfectly now. Vincent
  17. vincentw56

    Using Findcontrol with a text box problem

    No I don't think I am. I am not sure what you mean by binding code? Do you have an example or maybe a little more information? I am still fairly new at this. Thanks.
  18. vincentw56

    Using Findcontrol with a text box problem

    I have created a product listing page that has a textbox next to the add to cart button. The textbox is to allow the customer to put in a quantity. The problem is the default value is over-ridding the user entered value. I have included some of the code below. Anyone seen this before...
  19. vincentw56

    Repeater question

    Okay I figured out a way to do this. I created a ASP Label and put the values in there. I then was able to reference the values from the code. Here is a sample: ASPX <asp:label id=&quot;lblTitle&quot; runat=&quot;server&quot; text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem...
  20. vincentw56

    Repeater question

    Here is the ASPX: <form id=&quot;frmproduct&quot; runat=&quot;server&quot;> <asp:repeater id=&quot;rpProducts&quot; runat=&quot;server&quot; onitemcommand=&quot;rpProducts_ItemCommand&quot;> <itemtemplate> <hr style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: #cccccc 5px solid; BORDER-TOP: #cccccc...

Part and Inventory Search
