Thanks for replying strongm!
I tried it in another pc, the Ms Outlook he is using can send to a yahoo account but when I used the exe sample that comes with vbsendmail, I cannot send mail. I just set the basic properties. Is there anything else that I need to set?
Thanks again!
Hello experts!
I am using vbSendmail.dll to send email. I can send internal emails but cant send to an external account (yahoo account, etc). Just wondering why it keeps on returning an error when I start sending to a yahoo account. Does this has to do with security, access or user profiles...
Thanks for replying guys!
You are right! I am using a wrong server (my superior gave me a wrong smtp). I manage to make it work now. I will leave the security issues to our net admins since they dont allow us to send on a yahoo address.
I'll look into that too...
Thanks for the reply!
I think I did, the SMTP server was given by my superior, I did something like this before using MS Outlook Automation, as far as I can remember Outlook prompts whenever I send mail (I think..) I dont want that. And I was hoping sendmail.dll would make it easier. I'm a bit...
Hello Experts!
I have downloaded the vbsendmail project and currently testing the app. Unfortunately the app is returning a message, "The SMTP Host did not respond to the request" and "Valid name, no data record of request type". I just supplied the information in the textboxes of the sample...
Thanks for the quick reply.
I tried that but still the editbox did not highlight. I also removed the text1 instead of just setting it to visible = .f., but still no luck.
I am currently creating a grid class where I replace the textbox with a editbox if the field is a memo.
using this code below;
this.RecordSource = (this.gridalias)
this.RecordSourcetype = 1
for iColIndex = 1 to this.ColumnCount
this.Columns[iColIndex].Header1.FontBold = .t...
Thanks Mike!
Borislav, I created an account and UT send an email. When I login, there are several options to upgrade membership. Does this mean I have to pay for being a member even if I did not upgrade.
Thanks for the info both of you provided!
Thanks for your reply!
Is it free? I tried to create an account in, but I did not see the terms of payment in the Terms and Condition info.
Also, I forgot to mention i am using vfp8.
Hello experts!
I am trying to create a utility to compare the difference between two text files just like the Examdiff application. I was wondering if someone can point me to some information that can help me achieve this.
Hello Experts!
Does anyone has any information on a vfp class or activex that I can use to view a large textfile? I know modify file or richtextbox can handle the job but what I need is a viewer that can split the text viewer screen.
Hello experts!
I've been able to set images/pictures in MSFlexgrid's Cellpicture using the sample code posted here at Tek-tips. But is it possible to set pictures without selecting the cell, something like TextMatrix(0, nCol), just specify the row and column. Or maybe I'm using the CellPicture...
Thanks for the replies!
There are no error messages flashing, but I tried ECAR's suggestion and it worked.
I did this in my code...
<cfif #sAction# EQ "delete">
<cfquery name="qryDelete" datasource="mydata">
UPDATE xtable SET REMARKS = 'DELETE' WHERE TRIM(xtable.fieldname) IN...
I am a newbie in CF, hoping someone can help me.
This is the code I use to update a certain field:
<cfif #sAction# EQ "delete">
<cfquery name="qryDelete" datasource="mydata">
UPDATE xtable SET REMARKS = 'DELETE' WHERE TRIM(xtable.fieldname) IN ('fieldname','#strSql#')
Thanks for replying! :-)
Sorry for not clarifying my question. I am able to create a program where I download PDF files from a certain website and then convert it to TIF images. So far everything works well in converting the PDF files using Adobe Acrobat 5 batch processing automation. Every...
Hi To All!
I was just wondering why my TIF image has a black background when it has been appended or merged into a single (multiple pages) file. The first page is ok, while the next pages were not. The TIF files were ok before I merged it.
I used Kodak ImgAdmin to merge/append the TIF files...
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