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Search results for query: *

  1. thorkild

    ISQL install

    Hi Order of installation is importent. ISQL first then install IDS. I read from your question, that you have installed IDS first and then ISQL. good luck Thorkild
  2. thorkild

    ODBC Error

    Informix error messages saids -23101 Unable to load locale categories. An invalid locale name was supplied for the locale initialization. The environment variable specifying the locale category has a wrong value. Check the value of the corresponding environment variable, CLIENT_LOCALE or...
  3. thorkild

    DBimport new help

    Hi Theres an enviroment variable callad DBDELIMITER with which you can set the delimiting character. If you ara running UNIX as OS you can set this variable in .cshrc or .profile depending on what kind of shell you are using. in csh syntax (.cshrc): setenv DBDELIMITER $ in sh syntax (.profile)...
  4. thorkild

    ODBC erro

    Hello Theres a difference that you must remember in this case. Then you uses dbaccess you run locally on the server side which means that you uses setting from the login instance for temp space usage. Then you run via ODBC you uses the Informix server settings. The problem here could be that you...
  5. thorkild

    Informix DATE format

    Hello MrPeds I'am sorry I don't know what TDS is but anyway try the following. I assume you are using a Windows PC. If you are running via ODBC you should have an IBM informix client connect installed on your system. You should be able to find it under start->program on you Windows maskine...
  6. thorkild

    Can't update. Database or object is read only...

    Hi You problely need to grant update permission to your user "GRANT UPPDATE ON tablename TO username". If you want the username to hava all privilige on table, can be useful when debugging, you can use "GRANT ALL ON tablename TO username" thorkild
  7. thorkild

    Informix 7.3 on Solaris 8

    Hi I'am currently running Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD4 on Sun Solaris 8. There is no problem with IDS, but if you plan to use IBM INFORMIX-4GL Version 7.31.UC3 you should wait until the next version as there are a bug in this version, causing reports or windows in some cases not to...
  8. thorkild

    Informix oracle connectivity date/time functions

    Hi Date fields in a Informix database should always be defined as DATE not as INT. Likewise if you want a time variable you should define it as DEFINE sometime DATETIME HOUR TO SECOND, or if you want a datetime variable you should define it as DEFINE sometime DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND. If you...
  9. thorkild

    Informix Connect Error - Can't Write Rows -567

    Hi I don't know your System layout, but one place to look could be temporary spaces. Default informix uses /tmp on the UNIX server as temporary space during sort's. But it is possible to create speciel temp databas spaces to use. If the size of the tmp space is to small or you do not have...
  10. thorkild

    Need help understanding runners

    Hi first thing. You need a C-compiler on your system. Next you need to compile a customized p-code runner. In the compilation of this p-code runner you will include your c files as part of the compilation. Thus the c-files are compiled into the p-code runner. Therefore you only need 1 (one)...
  11. thorkild

    Error creating informix runner

    Hi This, I belive, has to do with the order of installation. I've had the same type of problem when I installed 7.31. Of couse you had set the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH (This one is for Sun Solaris) the following way: for csh: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
  12. thorkild

    the .cshrc file

    If you are using useradd to add users to your system, you can get help to distribute custumized .login and .cshrc for every new user. On your machine there should be a katalog called /etc/skel. If you put a .login and a .cshrc of your liking in this katalog, useradd will take these files and put...
  13. thorkild


    Hello Toby I've looked around on my Sparcserver 450. There are 2 commands that will help you. The first one is ulimit. Running ulimit -a gives you the current setting for your system. The second command is sysdef. Use sysdef to obtain the maximum possible limits for your system, and therefore...
  14. thorkild

    no C language compiler

    Hello again This is a long shot, but there are a couple of enviroment variabels that are used when compiling. It shouldn't be necessary to set them because you are using a standard compiler, but no harm done trying. You should place then in .profile, .cshrc or .kshrc They are INFORMIXC and CC...
  15. thorkild

    no C language compiler

    It's been a long time since I've used I4gl 4.10. I think you should check if you set your path enviroment variabel in your .login file. If you do, I suggest that you try to set it in your .cshrc file. I've noticed that sometimes it matters that path's used by Informix, are set in the .cshrc file...
  16. thorkild

    Corruption in onstat command

    Hi I've checked my manuall's and looked at onstat --. I can't find any referances that onstat should show last passed sql statement. What options/flags are you calling onstat with. What enviroment are you running informix in. What informix are you using. Thorkild
  17. thorkild

    Need to protect () chars returned from a cursor

    Try this let emailmessage6 = "echo '",reg.home_phone,"' >> /hr/addresschangetemp.txt" that is singel quotation mark around reg.home_phone so that the echo line looks like this echo '(909)555-9999' >> /hr/addresschangetemp.txt The single quotation mark indicates to the...
  18. thorkild

    R4GL Compilation in ANSI C

    All embede informix function like retont retqoute etc has change thir names "retint" is now called "ibm_lib4gl_returnMInt", retquote is now called "ibm_lib4gl_returnQuotedStr" so on and so fort. Consult the IBM Informix 4gl referenc manuel Volume 3 version 7.31...

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