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Search results for query: *

  1. Rules2liveby

    Formatting for IE8 using CSS help

    I have given up - it's too annoying trying to get the Div's to work properly in IE8 and IE7 at the same time. I can do either but not both (at leat not without some IF statements and I can't be bothered). Stupid browsers. Anyway back to tables with CSS for formatting...
  2. Rules2liveby

    Formatting for IE8 using CSS help

    Ah - nicely put now I think I understand. What a shame IE8 when previewing an HTML document which resides in the local file structure seems to automatically show it in compatibility mode. It means to see what a page will end up looking like I need to publish it to a web server!
  3. Rules2liveby

    Formatting for IE8 using CSS help

    Hi all, Quite new to css and design, but struggling through a book on it. I am trying to mimic a table layout for a page using Divs and CSS. It looks fine in IE7, but messed up in IE8 (unless you select compat-view). Can anyone let me know where i'm going wrong...
  4. Rules2liveby

    CSS centred 3-col page

    Thanks greg, That's most interesting. I did mean the whole width as 1000px so that's sorted it. I didn't know you could overlap <div>s so i've learnt something! If I did want the total max-width to be 1000px, and the centre column (your 'content' div) to be liquid width, how would I do that...
  5. Rules2liveby

    CSS centred 3-col page

    Hi, I am new to css and I wanted to create the following: Site 1000px wide, centred on page. 3 columns. Centre colum liquid, others fixed width. Can do everything except get it centred on the page with 'white space' on either side. I have tried using the <div id="centrecolumn"...
  6. Rules2liveby

    ISA 2000 and OWA publishing wizard

    Hi, I am having a strange problem. I have an older SBS2000 server with ISA 2000 on it and am looking to publish my OWA server through it. This should be a doddle, install the Feature Pack 1 and use the OWA wizard. However, I have installed the Feature Pack, but the MMC has not been extended...
  7. Rules2liveby

    Joining Tables

    Forgot to mention - SLAID is as follows - just a lookup table: SLAID (ID, desc) e.g. 1, "4 Hour Response"
  8. Rules2liveby

    Joining Tables

    Hi All - Fairly new to ADPm, but hoping you can help. Using Access 2003 and SQL backend. I am trying to complete a call-logging database and have the following tables: CLIENT (ID, name, address, telephone etc) ITEM (ID, ClientID, itemtype, itemdesc etc) CALLLOG (ID, ItemID, description, date...
  9. Rules2liveby

    Multiple problems - hopefully one cause (that can be fixed)

    I tried IEFIX - nice util, but didn't solve the problem. I did however find the problem. It was a missing file. MSHTML.DLL from the system32 folder. Problem solved and thanks to everyone for their assistance.
  10. Rules2liveby

    IE6 Loads Blank Pages

    Thanks - although this strictly wasn't a registering of dll files problem - it did lead me to the problem. The file mshtml.dll was missing... Simple as that. As soon as I replaced it - bingo - everything started working.
  11. Rules2liveby

    IE6 Loads Blank Pages

    Done - still no change. I've installed Mozilla Firefox as an alternative browser and workaround - that works fine. Strange... Guess long term i'll have to reinstall it. Thanks for your help - much appreciated.
  12. Rules2liveby

    IE6 Loads Blank Pages

    Thanks... the log file can be found here: (before that though - wanted to add that I have run the IEFIX utility, but to no avai... Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 12:14:35, on 02/11/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)...
  13. Rules2liveby

    Multiple problems - hopefully one cause (that can be fixed)

    I have a Windows XP box with lots of problems - all seem to be relating to HTML content. Internet Exploder won't view web pages (blank page dispite being able to connect to the site) User Accounts in Control Panel won't load System Retore loads with a blank window Multiple other issues with...
  14. Rules2liveby

    IE6 Loads Blank Pages

    Some more information - perhaps related. I am unable to get any dialog box open from IE, e.g. the internet options page or the help/about window. I can get to the internet options by right clicking on the IE icon in the start menu, but the general tab is missing. The registry restrictions on...
  15. Rules2liveby

    IE6 Loads Blank Pages

    Got a desktop with XP SP 2 on it. Interet explorer will open pages from the internet (you can tell from the bar on the bottom progress indicators), but won't displat any content. I have check the MS KB and theres a similar problem when Auto-Select is ticked sometimes from the Encoding Options...
  16. Rules2liveby

    Saving the current record through VB

    Thanks, that's great, but I have one issue with it. It was a bound form and the "DoCmd.RunCommand DoCmdSaveRecord" sting worked, but here's the problem: I am working on (say) record 5. It's bound to an AfterUpdate property on a combo box. I update the combo box, the record saves. Then it...
  17. Rules2liveby

    Saving the current record through VB

    Ok, I'm a real noob to this, but hopefully there's a simple answer. I have a ADP front end to an SQL 2000 backend. I have a form with a button on it which I would like to save the current record - i.e. update SQL with the current record's information as it would if I navigated away and came...
  18. Rules2liveby

    Roaming Profiles Nightmare

    For "Where is it being asked to store the desktop on the desktop share if not the user account in AD?" I meant that the folder holding the desktop contents is on the network share. (sorry for confusion)
  19. Rules2liveby

    Roaming Profiles Nightmare

    I have 'inherited' a network with roaming profiles set up for all users and I wish to remove them since they are more grief than they are worth. The server is an SBS2000 server. I have made the change to the user in ADUAC so as to delete the profile path, (presumably leaving the user needing a...
  20. Rules2liveby

    ISA - ISA VPN issue

    They're all spot on - as are the routing tables... That's the odd thing.

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