for those people who's version of powerpoint allows it, here is how it is done
Create a text box and make the bullet/number points that you require. Select the text box and select Slide Show/custom animation from the menu bar. Click on add effect then entrance then appear. Right click on the...
To shorten the time it takes for the deleting code to run, try turning off screen updating
this can easily be done with
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
dont forget to turn it back on again though before the code ends with
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
try changing the line in my code that reads
If Right(currstr, 3) = "CN=" Or Right(currstr, 3) = "OU=" Then
If Right(currstr, 3) = "CN=" Then
I misunderstood your requirements in your first post
Try this macro...
assuming you list is in cell A1
output will appear in cell A2
Sub Macro1()
Dim strlength As Integer
Dim loopctr As Integer
Dim filteredlist As String
Dim currstr As String
strlength = Len(Cells(1, 1).Value)
currstr = ""
For loopctr = 1 To strlength
currstr = currstr +...
Hi Kenny
paste this into a macro then run it.
I have kept most of the code that Paul supplied the same
the only difference being is this will work down column A for 10 rows(this can be changed of course).
This should give you the idea of how it works.
Sub macro1()
Dim OldString As String
There are loads of hits if you type barcode fonts into a search engine. As I don't know which barcode font you are after, it would probably be better going through the various sites.
Alternatively you could try a barcode designer application.
We used to use one at work, but for the life of me I...
The only way I can get rid of the scrollbars is to change the settings (tools..options) of the spreadsheet so that it doesn't see the scrollbars or the sheet tabs. When you save it with those hidden, they don't appear when you edit the embedded object.
Try downloading and installing the font '3 of 9' from
Then simply type your number into a cell, then change the font in excel to this new font. You might need to have quite a high font size for it to work correctly with a scanner.
In the sheet Group!p3 have the formula
now conditionally format Group!p3
cell value equal to "r", format accordingly
cell value equal to "b", format accordingly
That simplifies it a lot HDRules ... nice one
it could be simplified even more though
="Traditional Bookcase (Flush Cut $"& FIXED(F1*10)&" per side)"
as the decimal places in the FIXED function defaults to 2 anyway
OK try this ....
add the following cells to your example
A1 Total
B1 Dependants
C1 Value
A2 $109.99
B2 2
C2 =IF(A2<A5,"Error",IF(A2>B7,"Error",VLOOKUP(A2,A5:F7,B2+3,TRUE)))
A5 being the minimum value in A column
B7 being the maximum value in B column
Try this formula in cell M2
This formula returns "Yes" if there are 3 or more instances of 35 or 40 in the range H2:L2.
i.e. 35 40 21 40 23 would return "Yes"
The next formula should be used if you want to return a "Yes" if 3 or more...
The following bit of code should go into the workbook that you are copying to (in my example it is called dom1.xls).
For Each w In Workbooks
If w.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
I hope someone can help here.
I am trying to send control codes to a projector from my PC using Powerpoint. I can't see anything built into VB that will let me do it. If it is possible could someone just even point me in the right direction.
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