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Search results for query: *

  1. brettparkhurst

    Setting the Z order of a window in another process

    There are a few of ways you could do this. First of all is the application you are trying to set the window to the topmost an application that you wrote. If it is you can locate the window using the Windows API FindWindow passing in the Classname (TMyForm) getting back the windows handle...
  2. brettparkhurst

    Extract Serial Number from Compaq EEPROM

    That is not illegal! This falls under Compaq insight manager and uses a standard api created for managing resources. SMS uses this standard called Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to collect information about the hardware on a machine. You can find out more information on...
  3. brettparkhurst

    Is ADO faster than using the BDE?

    I have not noticed much difference in speed using ADO vs. BDE but you may want to check the column indexes on the tables you are querying. You might find that by adding a couple of indexes in the correct columns you could significantly increase the processing time. The main benefit I see to...
  4. brettparkhurst

    Checking GDI resources

    Checking GDI resources is done differently depending upon the operating system you are using. Are you using 95/98/Me or NT/2000? Brett Parkhurst brettparkhurst@uswest.net
  5. brettparkhurst

    Tree node not selected with popup

    There is a property on the TTreeview SelectOnRightClick (I believe that is the property) that turns on support for selecting a node when the node is right clicked on. Brett Parkhurst brettparkhurst@uswest.net
  6. brettparkhurst

    Corrupt Delphi 5 - Why ?

    The Delphi32.dsk file is the exact file that you need to delete to fix this problem. It must store the IDE window settings and deleting it will cause the IDE window to appear again and will recreate the Delphi32.dsk file. It is in the \Delphi5\Bin directory Brett Parkhurst...
  7. brettparkhurst

    memory . .um . . at least I think that's what it was . .

    Unfortunately, Delphi applications are very big in size and can utilize a ton of memory depending on many different things. First of all is if you are using database connections. They tie up quite a bit of memory. I myself have many applications that tie up into the 20mb range and have...
  8. brettparkhurst

    Real time voice streaming and mixing

    It sounds like what you are actually looking for is something similiar to Netmeeting. Is there a reason you want to develop an application instead of looking into a third party application that already does this? Brett Parkhurst <p>Brett Parkhurst<br><a...
  9. brettparkhurst

    Help with buttons, animations and Labels

    Answers to each question: 1.) Button1.Font.Color := clRed; 2.) Animation1.OnClick 3.) Each time you update the label with a character in the loop that updates the character perform the following: Label1.Repaint; Application.ProcessMessages; If you do not add an Application.ProcessMessages at...
  10. brettparkhurst

    Move image

    To actually do this correctly you must use a timer event based on the system clock. I have written a function that will move any component from where it is to an ending TRect. You define the ending TRect (where you want the component to move to) and this function will move it to that location...
  11. brettparkhurst

    connectivity for multiple clients in paradox

    Because of the way that Paradox keeps track of database record and table locking each client must be pointing to the same PDOXUSER.NET file. I suggest putting this file on a network and pointing everyone's BDE configuration parameter to that file. This will solve the problem once and for all...
  12. brettparkhurst

    Message handling.

    What is it do you want to handle. Do you need to understand the parameters passed to this function? Brett Parkhurst
  13. brettparkhurst

    File size

    The following code could be put into a function to return you the filesize of a file. var SearchRec: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(ExpandFileName(FileName), faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then Result := SearchRec.Size else Result := -1; //close the searchrec FindClose(SearchRec); end...
  14. brettparkhurst

    TADODataset is read only

    I am not sure exactly what your code looks like but you always need to perform an edit on the dataset before you update a field and then post it. The following code is used to update a field: with ADOTable1 do begin Edit; FieldByName('Field').Value := NewValue; Post; end; Unless the...
  15. brettparkhurst

    OnClick event not firing

    I am not sure what your logic is in the OnClick event but I have not been able to reproduce your problem. Try building a new test application and put down a radio group, add two items and in the OnClick event put the following code: ShowMessage(IntToStr(RadioGroup1.ItemIndex)); This should...
  16. brettparkhurst

    Delphi Serial Ports

    Delphi supports COM port access very well. As a matter of fact there is a whole suite of communication components called Async Professional which does this very easy and very reliable. It gives you complete control over reading and writing over communication ports. The company is TurboPower...
  17. brettparkhurst

    How can i convert a report (quick report) into a word document?

    What kind of report are you needing to convert? Brett Parkhurst
  18. brettparkhurst

    Delete a line in a text file

    You might want to check out the Truncate procedure (I/O routines). You should be able to find the line you want to delete, truncate the file at that line and shuffle everything after that line up in some sort of way. I would have to set down and try this but it should work. Hope this helps...
  19. brettparkhurst

    Irregular shaped windows ('Skin' support)

    I have found you do not have to re-invent the wheel on the irregular shaped windows. Woll2Woll has a suite of VCL components that has a Form component that supports this functionality. All you do is put a component on the form and select an image that you wish to display and the form will...

Part and Inventory Search
