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  1. C0PP3R

    VB.Net Place EXE on the network for multiuser acccess?

    No worries, we ende dup using caspol.exe in abat file to grant intranet trust to this spoecfic application, so prolem solved it woudl seem. email festboyextreeme@hotmail.com if this problem has applied to you
  2. C0PP3R

    VB.Net Place EXE on the network for multiuser acccess?

    In my testing I have found that if you go to the client PC and in the .Net framework 2.0 configuration under code groups-->all code-->Local Intranet zone-->Go into properties of that-->Permissions Set tab-->add SQL Client to this then the application works off of a netowrk share. Is this...
  3. C0PP3R

    VB.Net Place EXE on the network for multiuser acccess?

    I am just beginning to develop applications in VB.NET using the visual studio 2005. I am relativly new to .net as I have been doing my development in VB6. I am running a SQL 6.5 soon to be 2000 compatiable DB database. Currently I compile a VB6 exe and place it on a network share, this allows...
  4. C0PP3R

    SQL 2000 Performance / Locking / Tweaks?

    Hello All, I am new to SQL server but not database servers. I worked with Pervasive SQL for years and I have a couple of questions as our current company is having some problems. We seem to be having server speed issues and I cant figure out why. Here is the setup: Dual Intel 3 gig Xeons...
  5. C0PP3R

    Pass Blank Date Parameters From Vb6 to SQL 2k

    Awesome, thats perfect! Thanks allot! GO TEK TIPS! :)
  6. C0PP3R

    Help! Select statement to display a schedule

    Hey, I have a schedule table tha tholds an autonumber PK, a job number, Scheduled date adn scheduled hours. The user needs to view this data in a two week period. The Start and end date will be passed ot the sp from VB I need to return a list that looks like this: In: Begin Date = '08/01/04'...
  7. C0PP3R

    Need to display a crosstab on a form..What to use???

    OK, I'm looking at using the flex grid control...I haven't used it before, but I'm readin gup on it, but I midas well throw down som emroe detail... Basically I will havea schedule table that weill hold an autonumber key, wo#, schedule data and scheduled hours. I want to display the dates...
  8. C0PP3R

    Need to display a crosstab on a form..What to use???

    Hey all! I am building a form that I need to display a crosstab of data and display it on a VB 6 form. The purpose is for schduling, so I need display along the top each day within the two week period, and below that a list of job numbers that are scheduled, if that job is scheduled on any of...
  9. C0PP3R

    Type MIsmatch in ADO Datagrid

    Awesome, I got it goin, took i a litle since I'm new to usng a datagrid, but they give a nie enough way to display data, jsut gotta learn the logic that goe swith it, jsut a quick opinion question, do most people put the deallocation (ie: rst = nothing, dbconn.close etc...) into the On_Paint...
  10. C0PP3R

    Type MIsmatch in ADO Datagrid

    Does anyone know how to display the selected row and or column data from the currently selected row on an ADO datagrid?
  11. C0PP3R

    Type MIsmatch in ADO Datagrid

    Thanks, I got it working, well at least past the type mismatch error, no data is coming up now, but i think i saw this message somewhere in this forum, so I'm gonna have a a look, I needed to add some references and i got it to work, not sure which it was, but i will post once i know for sure...
  12. C0PP3R

    Type MIsmatch in ADO Datagrid

    I am using the Datagrid control called Datagrid (MSDATGRD.OCX) adn I am trying to set it' sdata source to an ADODB recordset and I am getting the Type Mismatch error, any ideas? I know my recordset is returning data (debug.print) All i removed from my code was the actual SQL statement and the...
  13. C0PP3R

    Type Mismatch on DataGrid record source

    I am using the Datagrid control called Datagrid (MSDATGRD.OCX) adn I am trying to set it' sdata source to an ADODB recordset and I am getting the Type Mismatch error, any ideas? I know my recordset is returning data (debug.print) All i removed from m ycode was the actual SQL statement and the...
  14. C0PP3R

    Pass Blank Date Parameters From Vb6 to SQL 2k

    I am trying to pass a set of paremters to a sql stored procedure, various ints, varchars and dates. Now m yprog save say 20 fields, but only 10 are required so the function must be able to run with the bare bones data, now this should not be a problem, except, I use three dates in the stored...
  15. C0PP3R

    combobox text selection using keyboard

    DrJavaJoe (Programmer) Nov 5, 2003 This is already the defaut behavior of the standard Combobox when set to style 3-DropDownlist. " I don't have style 3 dropdown in my list of options in VB 6 is there an update that I need?
  16. C0PP3R

    SQL 7 Enterprise Manager won't Start

    Ok, I can't see PC anywhere installed on the server, strange.....usually use a remot eadmin tool o fsome kind to access the server. Adn Enterprise manager works fine on my desktop that connects over the network so I guess I'll try re-installing th eclient tools, namely enterprise manager on the...
  17. C0PP3R

    SQL 7 Enterprise Manager won't Start

    Ok, I can't see PD anywhere installed on the server, strange.....usually use a remot eadmin tool o fsome kind to access the server. Adn Enterprise manager works fine on my desktop that connects over the network so I guess I'll try re-installing th eclient tools, namely enterprise manager on the...
  18. C0PP3R

    SQL 7 Enterprise Manager won't Start

    I did, an dthis time there was nothing in any of the logs after the Dr. Watson error comes up when I attempt to start enterprise manager on the server. I am thinking of reintalling just SQL 7 enterprise manager on the SQL server. I am cinverned that this may mess up my server, should I be? I...
  19. C0PP3R

    SQL 7 Enterprise Manager won't Start

    I have SQL Server 7 running on NT server. Enterprise manager has stopped running, when you try to run it a Dr.Watsn erro rcoems up indicatiing an application log is being generated. The following ar ethe only two errors that appear when this happens. The Open Procedure for service...
  20. C0PP3R

    "FUNCTION" Keyword Not recognized in SQL 7

    I wasn't sur eof that, thanks allot! Copper

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