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Search results for query: *

  1. sleipnir214


    Here is a link to John's obituary: Link Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  2. sleipnir214


    Gentles, Is is my sad duty to report that our friend John Austin, known here as CajunCenturion, passed away yesterday. He collapsed at work and could not be revived. He had been suffering for years with kidney cancer, which though not the proximal cause of his death, is certainly the real...
  3. sleipnir214

    Creative review writing

    Oh, that is some inspired writing! Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  4. sleipnir214

    Idioms Cliches Colloquialisms Etc...

    On occasions when my father felt the need to curse in company who might not approve of it, he was known to utter a sotto voce "aah, sh*t and two is eight". Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  5. sleipnir214


    I spend some time in Huntsville, Texas, where Sam Houston lived out the end of his life. (Sam Houston being the namesake of Houston, Texas, former president of the Republic of Texas and former governor of the state of Texas). Sam Houston is buried in Huntsville, and the road-sign that directs...
  6. sleipnir214

    Problem with getenv("HTTP_REFERER")

    HTTP_REFERER is only set when the browser sends the referer data to the server. Many browsers, including Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Safari do not by default report referers. Could this be what you're seeing? Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask...
  7. sleipnir214

    New Words

    I can see why "cyclogyro" (the spelling Google insists on) is now obsolete. The device seems inefficient at best, dangerous at worst. It looks like someone once asked the question, "What would happen were I to take the worst elements of an airplane and an combine harvester and put them...
  8. sleipnir214

    execute code upon download completion

    Then you might try a housekeeping function. Create a PHP include file, which you include in other scripts where appropriate. Have that included script-code scan your download directory and delete any file that is older than a certain amount of time. Of course, the fun part about this way is...
  9. sleipnir214

    execute code upon download completion

    Unfortunately, once the user's browser has received the "Location" header, it immediately severs the current connection and establishes a new one with the specified URL. So anything after the header('Location: ...') invocation will not run. Instead, you can make PHP stream the file to the...
  10. sleipnir214

    What else did your teachers tell you.

    I always figured the "10% of your brains" thing was true. The other 90% would be taken up by the operating system. Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  11. sleipnir214

    What else did your teachers tell you.

    djj55: During my junior year of high school, we had all take a survey that purported to tell us what career we would find most in line with our interests and talents. My report advised me that I should become an "ENGINEER, NUCLEAR OR ENGINEER, RAILROAD" Want to ask the best questions? Read...
  12. sleipnir214

    Why do some Americanisms irritate people?

    Okay, that does it. I'm invoking that mad Welshman, Jasper Fforde. This is from one of his fourth "Thursday Next" novel, The Well of Lost Plots. If you like book- and grammar-related humor and puns but have not read Fforde, you're missing out on quite a lot of fun. With apologies in advance...
  13. sleipnir214

    Windows RootKit that requires re-install

    Aside from the assumption that if you have this malware you have others, too, why reinstall? Why not boot Linux from a CD or write-protected flash drive and fix the MBR from there? Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  14. sleipnir214

    using MySQL on a web server to pass data to and from a SQL server

    A correctly-configured firewall will keep a database server from being directly exposed to the internet. But without knowing what kind of data we're talking about and what you intend to do with it, it's difficult to do more than theorize. I think the answer to your question is going to lie...
  15. sleipnir214

    Excited to Excited for

    Santa: Not to worry. imnotcourney can probably explain all. Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  16. sleipnir214

    Excited to Excited for

    CC: Or another important question: Why is someone being so careful to be not confused with Courtney? Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  17. sleipnir214

    Excited to Excited for

    And to continue CC's thesis, it seems to me to often be the case that the transliteration of phrases from other languages affects local idioms. For example, in south Louisiana, it's still not uncommon to hear older Cajuns user the phrase "to get down from a car" (where, or course, the more...
  18. sleipnir214

    Anagrams for: Osama bin Laden

    I came across this one in my travels on the internet: LOB DA MAN IN SEA Want to ask the best questions? Read Eric S. Raymond's essay "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". TANSTAAFL!
  19. sleipnir214

    Wrong setup for FLOAT? MySQL keeps changing the number!

    This from the MySQL online manual: Because floating-point values are approximate and not stored as exact values, attempts to treat them as exact in comparisons may lead to problems. They are also subject to platform or implementation dependencies. You need to store these either in columns of...
  20. sleipnir214

    Would you recommend me using MySQL+MS Access on my situation?

    Abraham Maslow once said, "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." I work for a public school system, and my CIO decided the best way to distribute some ad-hoc queries into our student management system's databases was Access. I will second vacunita's...

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