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Search results for query: *

  1. Romanichine

    ActiveX MS FlexGrid issues with masks

    Hello, We are using the Microsoft Flex Grid as an ActiveX control on a website. Some columns on the grid have an Edit Mask defined (such as "999999.99"). When a user enter some value in a cell using this mask, for example 21.25, the value at the end should appear as "21.25&quot...
  2. Romanichine

    Generic stored proc

    Hi, I have a table containing 60+ fields and different parts of our application are updating this table. There's a part modifying all the fields, and the others only modify some fields. We have many stored procs to handle this, one that has receives all the field values, another that has...
  3. Romanichine

    VB/COM+ Permission denied with Excel object

    Hi, I have a COM+ object created in VB that returns an error when using an Excel object. The error I get is the standard "70 - Permission Denied ". The exact line where this is happening is: Set xlApp = New Excel.Application The COM+ object's Identity is member of the...
  4. Romanichine

    Connect to a FTP server

    Hi, I need to create a page that connects to a FTP server, look if a file exists in a specific directory. If yes, download it and move it to a "moved" directory on the ftp server. It has to be done using ASP or VB, but I haven't found a builtin function to do this. Any ideas...
  5. Romanichine

    Populate a select box with VBScript

    For the record, here is the version working on IE5. You need to specify the window name when creating an Option object on IE5. ====================== Sub RefreshList(dataArr, strSource, strComboName) Dim cboReport Dim lngMaxCtr, lngCtr...
  6. Romanichine

    Populate a select box with VBScript

    Hi, I got a function that receives a string with delimiters and populates a select box (see code below). It works fine on one computer using IE 6.0 but doesn't work on two computers using IE 5.0. I was wondering if this was a browser issue and, if yes, how to make it work on any browser. The...
  7. Romanichine

    How to find how many radio buttons the page has...

    Hi, I got a page that has a lot of radio buttons and can be changed by the web developper without us knowing... ex: ========= <input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;rdoField&quot; value=&quot;234&quot;> <input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;rdoField&quot; value=&quot;615&quot;> <input...
  8. Romanichine

    Codebase won't work correctly

    rtshort, If you have access to the client's computer you can try to register the ocx manually: 1) Copy msflxgd.ocx in WINNT/System32 2) Bring up a command prompt and type the following: regsrv32.exe msflxgd.ocx -- Roman
  9. Romanichine

    Submitting a form with focus in combo box

    TomasCrossroads: It didn't help but thanks for replying. The combo box does not like Javascript. GabeC: It's not 3rd party, it's Microsoft. I believe it ships with IIS or VB. For the record I found the following solution: I created a function that remove the focus from the combo box whenever...
  10. Romanichine

    Submitting a form with focus in combo box

    Hi, We have a form using a Combo Box component, which works fine except for one problem: When the focus is in the combo box and the user hit the submit button, it does not submit the form. The user has to hit submit a second time to really submit it. The first hit on sbumit only removes the...
  11. Romanichine

    Unknown grid component

    I should have included the class ID. Here it is: 0C364EFE-665A-4476-ACEB-83F864B51964 I did try Google, Altavista, Yahoo, you name it, without finding anything about the component. It must be home-made but the developer is nowhere to be found. Thank you for your reply Tarwin. -- Roman
  12. Romanichine

    Unknown grid component

    Hi, I am working on someone else's code and it's using a grid component that I don't know anything about. I tried to get documentation on the net but can't find anything. Here's some part of the code (see below). Let me know if you know anything about this. Thanks! ASP code ==============...
  13. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    DaPi, I ran the analyze table, restarted Oracle and WOW it's fast any way now!! [2thumbsup] I guess my problem isn't the same than yours but thank you so much for pointing this solution to me! -- Roman
  14. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    DaPi, I tried ANALYZE TABLE <xx> COMPUTE STATISTICS; I got the following message &quot;Table analyzed.&quot; but I don't know how to see the results. Can you tell me? :) -- Roman
  15. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    DaPi, Yes the query is fast the second time. I guess it's because it's cached by Oracle. -- Roman
  16. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    The query is returning 4 rows (that's right only four and it takes 15 minutes!). So the &quot;start returning&quot; idea doesn't stand here. -- Roman
  17. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    I ran autotrace with the order by on and it gives something like this (see below). When I run it without the order by clause I get costs of 48 and below... 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=214722 Card=795805 B ytes=237945695) 1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=214722...
  18. Romanichine

    Hello, I have a query that norma

    Hello, I have a query that normally takes 1 second to run but when I add an &quot;ORDER BY&quot; clause, it raises to 15 MINUTES! Here is the query: SELECT ss.srv_id, ss.service_no, Orig_pop.pop_name, sstc.srv_type_code, ssc.Component_no, sssc.Status_Descr ,ss.Cust_Name...
  19. Romanichine

    Database bigger after a shrink

    We made a shrink on the data file and it is now a lot bigger than it previously was. It went from 1,6Gb to 7,7Gb but it still seem to hold the correct data, and works well with our applications. Any idea why it happened? Thanks, -- Roman
  20. Romanichine

    cfselect to list once per unique entry

    It seems to me that you should change your query or build another to get the listing you want. Something like &quot;SELECT distinct Country FROM table&quot; You can do filtering using CF coding but it's much easier to do it in SQL. Also, as a note, using cfoutputs in a cfselect is a strange...

Part and Inventory Search
