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Search results for query: *

  1. ldandy

    SQL: Left Join does not show all Records from Table A!

    Access does fill the records that are not matched with NULL, however in your WHERE clause you have the following condition: ((tblStudentsClasses.strClassID) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmToDo]![txtCurrentSchoolyear] & "*")). This condition eliminates all NULL records. This is the...
  2. ldandy

    SQL query problem

    Hi, The function Now() returns both date and time, and I guess this is the problem. You should try Date() instead. Danny.
  3. ldandy

    How to extract month name from a date?

    Format(YourDate, 'mmmm')
  4. ldandy

    problems with code

    Your define section is the problem. You should change it as follows: #define disc_1 0.08 #define disc_2 0.10 #define Limit 100 If you say: #define disc_1 = 0.08; then wherever disc_1 is met by the compiler, it is replaced with = 0.08; which you don't really want. Danny.
  5. ldandy

    how do i eliminate duplicate rows?

    You could use the IIF function for one or more columns in your query, like this: IIF(TABLE_A_COLUMN IS NULL, TABLE_B_COLUMN, TABLE_A_COLUMN) AS YourCombinedColumn
  6. ldandy

    Moving data from rows to colums

    Can you change the date format of your table? I don't know why it doesn't work with the date format you have.
  7. ldandy

    Moving data from rows to colums

    Aietoe, I have created a table with two columns and used the query below: SELECT [TABLE 00IF].Cust, [TABLE 00IF].Prod, DCount('Prod','Table 00IF',&quot;Cust='&quot; & [Cust] & &quot;' AND Prod <= #&quot; & [Prod] & &quot;#&quot;) AS ProdPos FROM [TABLE 00IF]; I got the following results...
  8. ldandy

    Moving data from rows to colums

    It's strange that Prod field is a date. I thought it was the product number. A date field should be passed to the WHERE clause surrounded by '#'. So the DCount will be: DCount('Prod','Table 00IF',&quot;Cust='&quot; & [Cust] & &quot;' AND Prod <= #&quot; & [Prod] & &quot;#&quot;) One more...
  9. ldandy

    Moving data from rows to colums

    One problem could be if either Cust or Prod fields are not numeric, then the condition for DCount should be changed a little bit. Another reason of the error could be that either Cust or Prod are null. But since Cust is '0001' in your example, I might suppose it is a text. If that's the case...
  10. ldandy

    Moving data from rows to colums

    When you made the crosstab query, I guess you choose as pivot the Prod column and then you grouped by Cust. This way you will end up with a table that will have as many columns as the number of distinct values in the Prod column plus the columns you have in your SELECT query. The problem would...
  11. ldandy

    Problem With Query

    Hi Dave, Your query is quite complex and not so easy to follow, however I have a few suggestions. One is to move all conditions from the FROM clause that are not related to table joining (links) to the WHERE clause. And the other: if you say it works for elimline=3 and also for elimline=4 but...
  12. ldandy

    selecting dates from a particular year

    Try WHERE Year(ConsultDate) >= 2002
  13. ldandy

    Multiple inner joins on the same table

    Rick, I was pointing only where the syntax error come from. Of course your second approach is faster and &quot;cleaner&quot;. Danny.
  14. ldandy

    Using Yes/No checkboxes in queries

    If your field is called PAYMENT_PAID in the criteria you should say: NOT PAYMENT_PAID.
  15. ldandy

    select distinct and other fields: aggregate function for text?

    A solution could be the following: SELECT TableX.COD, TableX.NAME FROM TableX WHERE TableX.NAME = (SELECT TOP 1 TableX.NAME FROM TableX AS TableX_1 WHERE TableX_1.NAME = TableX.NAME)
  16. ldandy

    Can SQL handle a Parent Child query ?

  17. ldandy

    Multiple inner joins on the same table

    You should put all tables and inner joins (together with the ON clauses) in the FROM clause (which will be only one) and all conditions in a single WHERE clause (and link them with AND).
  18. ldandy


    You cannot use IIF in SQL Server, but you can use the CASE statement.
  19. ldandy

    To bperry ( here is some more info)

    Terry, I'm using Access '97. Probably this is the reason those queries don't for work in my Access. However in SQL Server I'm also using them. Thanks for your answer. Danny.
  20. ldandy

    To bperry ( here is some more info)

    In Access you cannot use an explicit subquery in the FROM clause, so you cannot say FROM (SELECT ... ). You have to provide a table name or a query name (view) in the FROM clause. You can transform Terry's query in the following way: make the SELECT from the FROM clause a new query and use it in...

Part and Inventory Search
