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To bperry ( here is some more info)

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Mar 18, 2002

Hi bperry,
Sorry for all this hassel, well yes i am working on Ms Access, and yet (cast) is not working and the message that the program is returning is as follows:
Syntax error ( missing operator) in queri expression
(Select count(Ward_code) FROM Admission
WHERE admission.Ward_code = ward.Ward_code
AND admission.Discharge_date IS NULL
) AS numeric(3,2)) / bed_count *100 ".
So what do u thing is the problem

1st thread

How can i produce a report that gives for each ward its name, code, and the percentage occupied in the ward of a hospital.
Knowing that we have the table of "Ward" which hold a wardCode, wardName, BedCount.
And another table for Admission which has AdmissionID, patient_Id, AdmissionDate, Ward code Discharge_Date

Thanks for all your help

2nd thread
Thanks for ur solutions i was trying to work on this one below but it is still not working. And to tell u the truth i haven't heard of the "CAST" before maybe it is replacment for some other word so if it is tell me what is it please check the code and tell me what u think
Thanks allot
N.B: if u need i can send u the Data base

SELECT ward.Ward_code,ward.Ward_name,
(Select count(Ward_code) FROM Admission
WHERE admission.Ward_code = ward.Ward_code
AND admission.Discharge_date IS NULL
) AS numeric(3,2)) / bed_count *100 AS PerOcc

INNER JOIN Admission
ON ward.Ward_code = admission.Ward_code
Group By ward.Ward_code, ward.ward_name, ward.Bed_count;
Cast is not valid in MS Access. You can't use it. That is why the error occurs. Try this.

SELECT w.Ward_code,w.Ward_name,
(100. * q.RecCnt / w.bed_count) AS PerOcc
(Select WardCode, Count(*) As RecCnt
FROM Admission a
WHERE a.Discharge_Date IS NULL
GROUP BY a.WardCode) As q
ON w.Ward_code = q.Ward_code
Group By w.Ward_code, w.ward_name;

In the future, I recommend posting Access Questions in an Access forum. Read faq181-1655, "Which Access forum should I choose for my question? Why?" to find out the purpose and focus of each forum.

Again, post follow-on questions in the same thread rather than starting a new thread. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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faq183-874 contains "Suggestions for Getting Quick and Appropriate Answers" to your questions.
It is still not working I am getting a message saying that
" you tried to excute a query that doesnot include the specified expression "100 * q.RecCnt / ward.bed_count" as an aggregate function"

what is ment by q.RecCnt??
thanks for your help
Remove the Group By clause at the end.

SELECT w.Ward_code,w.Ward_name,
(100. * q.RecCnt / w.bed_count) AS PerOcc
(Select WardCode, Count(*) As RecCnt
FROM Admission a
WHERE a.Discharge_Date IS NULL
GROUP BY a.WardCode) As q
ON w.Ward_code = q.Ward_code;
Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
Computing Links:
faq183-874 contains "Suggestions for Getting Quick and Appropriate Answers" to your questions.
Still not working
it is giving the same " you tried to excute a query that doesnot include the specified expression "ward_code" as an aggregate
If u are online and not busy are we able to chat on msn if u have it so we can sort it out, i fell that there is somthing simple wrong there but we are missing it
so my msn & e-mail is imadelghali@hotmail.com

thanks again
In Access you cannot use an explicit subquery in the FROM clause, so you cannot say FROM (SELECT ... ). You have to provide a table name or a query name (view) in the FROM clause. You can transform Terry's query in the following way: make the SELECT from the FROM clause a new query and use it in the INNER JOIN. It should work.

You can Select from a subquery in Access. Which version are you using? The query I provided previously works. I chatted with Dado111 Saturday night. With the underscore correction, it worked for him. The following also works.
Select col1, col4, col5
From (Select * From MyTable
Where col2='abc') As q[/tt]

This is really quite a powerful concept that I use regularly and frequently in Access and SQL Server. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
Computing Links:
faq183-874 contains "Suggestions for Getting Quick and Appropriate Answers" to your questions.

I'm using Access '97. Probably this is the reason those queries don't for work in my Access. However in SQL Server I'm also using them.

Thanks for your answer.

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