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Search results for query: *

  1. Xenobia

    Limiting characters returned in query results

    It is possible to use some VBA functions in queries. so you can do it by setting the content of your query field as follows. shortDescription: left$([tablename].[description],50)
  2. Xenobia

    DateTime Picker in Access Forms

    I'm trying to use the MS datetime picker control to make date selection easy for users (for setting appointments). The control works fine in the sense that I've placed two controls on the form bound each to the date/time field and each updates just fine. However on re-entering the form the...
  3. Xenobia

    Should I report my employer

    Which country you in, US or UK... The UK position is straightforward. Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act you must notify your employer first(and keep a record of the notification given in writing). If they fail to take remedial action then, and only then, could you approach the BSA. Fail...
  4. Xenobia

    Web hosting site

    You're better off using a provider that offer's MySQL than one offering Access as porting back to Oracle will be much more straight forward... You could try www.openhosting.co.uk - prices start at £20GBP per year for 20Mb with full ASP,PHP and Access DB support, MySQL is an option at a base...
  5. Xenobia

    Problem with CDONTS and Quotation Marks

    On second thought's scratch that idea... try the following code Add Dim msgBody as String to declarations Dim myMail Set myMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") myMail.From = strEmail myMail.To = List("Email") myMail.Subject = strSubj msgBody = strName &...
  6. Xenobia

    Problem with CDONTS and Quotation Marks

    Have you tried using HTMLEncode on the the subject and message fields
  7. Xenobia

    Hi,friends I'm trying to write o

    This would depend, for me, very much on what back-end database is in use, whether you're planning to include a search facility and, if so, what kind. If you've got a decent SQL RDBMS at the backend (such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle etc) which supports full text querying (or even English Query...
  8. Xenobia

    Without ADO

    Slight correction to previous comment - you can do it by writing your own COM object or ActiveX control to do the job, but you'd be daft to try that route.
  9. Xenobia

    Without ADO

    DAO isn't supported in ASP, only ADO, so the answer to your question is you can't do it.
  10. Xenobia

    How to properly bring Linux into corporation?

    Steve's advice is absolutely sound - running a testbed/evaluation system is an absolute must as the expectation will be that any transition must appear seamless to the end user. In fact your best case scenario if given the go ahead is if you're users don't even realise you've made the change...
  11. Xenobia

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' HELP!!!!!

    Take out the path information from the OLE DB connection string thus... Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("City.mdb") The Server.MapPath method is already giving you the full path information to your DB, so your original connection...
  12. Xenobia

    Form field validation

    Yep, you can do it on the client side using Javascript... What you need to process is the 'LostFocus' event.

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