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Search results for query: *

  1. dftjsn

    #Error in Calculated Control on Continuous Form New Record

    The solution was to set the control source equal to a function that passes as an argument the nz([FieldValue],""). In the function, you do the calculation. The return value of the function is the calculation or "" if the argument coming in was "". Now no more #Error on the new record. You...
  2. dftjsn

    #Error in Calculated Control on Continuous Form New Record

    I have a continuous form that contains an unbound calculated control on each record. For the form, AllowAdditions=True so I get the * on the new empty record at the bottom of the form (which is what I want). The calculated control works properly for all the records in the continuous form...
  3. dftjsn

    Returning to a specific subform record from a popup form

    Richard, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I was able to get it to work by assigning the form frmPopUp the same recordset as the subform: Set Me.Recordset = Forms!FormA!subFormA.Form!subFormB.Form.Recordset The forms stay in synch nicely. Cheers, dftjsn
  4. dftjsn

    Returning to a specific subform record from a popup form

    I have a Form, say FormA, which has a subform, say subFormA. subFormA also has a subForm, say subFormB. When the user double clicks a control on subFormB, a popup form appears, say frmPopUp which shows all the fields on subFormB on one form without having to scroll left and right. When the...
  5. dftjsn

    Convert ADO Field Name to Index Number

    Is there a way to determine the ADO Recordset field index number given a field name other than cycling through all the fields until your name matches one of the fields and then using that counter/index? That is can I easily find out that: RST(12) is the same as RST("FIELD NAME")...
  6. dftjsn

    Progress Meter - Bar Flickers, Not Smooth

    Roy-Vidar/SpiralMind, Thanks for the advice. One thing that has me perplexed though is that the bar proceeds smoothly without flicker if I put the computation loop in the same form module as the bar. I seem to only get the flicker when I'm calling the Progress Bar procedure from a different...
  7. dftjsn

    Progress Meter - Bar Flickers, Not Smooth

    I've created a progress meter form. In a Public Sub in the progress meter form I have the following code: Public Sub Progress(lngCurrent As Long, lngTotal As Long) 'Assumes box is 3.5" or 5040 twips wide Me.rectProgressBar.Width = 5040 * (lngCurrent / lngTotal) Me.Repaint End Sub Private...
  8. dftjsn

    How to Read a Table's OrderBy Property

    As a close out ... I've gone back to using DAO to read the OrderBy and OrderByOn properties of a table. For some reason it had been taking 5 or 6 seconds for DAO to return the answers, but after compacting the database and trying again, it now returns the answers promptly. dftjsn
  9. dftjsn

    How to Read a Table's OrderBy Property

    Daniel, Thanks for the tip. Screen.ActiveDatasheet.OrderBy does allow me to access the OrderBy property provided I open the table and make it a visible ActiveDatasheet that the user can see. Since I don't really want the user to see the table, I open it, read the OrderBy and OrderOn...
  10. dftjsn

    How to Read a Table's OrderBy Property

    Hi Leigh, Thanks for your response. I realize that the default order of records in an Access table is unpredictable and the best way to deal with that is to use the OrderBy property of a query or form when you wish to display or query them. I don't want to do either - I just want to process...
  11. dftjsn

    How to Read a Table's OrderBy Property

    I'm trying to open an ADO recordset of an Access table that is sorted/ordered by the Table's OrderBy property but I can't seem to find how to read a Table's OrderBy Property in ADO or ADOX. I can do it with DAO: dim db as dao.database dim tdf as dao.tabledef set db=Currentdb() set...
  12. dftjsn

    Unbound Combo Box with 2 Columns

    Thanks again Trendsetter. I can think of lots of work arounds ... I just can't quite figure out why it doesn't work the way I reckon it should. Why doesn't the second (the bound) column get filled in the text portion of the combo box?
  13. dftjsn

    Unbound Combo Box with 2 Columns

    Thanks for the response Trendsetter. I do want to show both columns because I want users to see what state the particular store is in. I could move the store name into the first column and the state in the second, but it seems more natural to see the state first. I could also have a separate...
  14. dftjsn

    Unbound Combo Box with 2 Columns

    I've got an unbound combo box with 2 columns, state and store name. The combo box is sorted by the first column, state, and then the second column, store name. The bound column is the second column, store name. When the user selects an item from the combo box, I want the combo box control to...
  15. dftjsn

    Query Recordset Too Few Parameters

    The solution was to use an ADO command object and create parameters like this: Dim p1 As ADODB.Parameter Dim p2 As ADODB.Parameter Dim qryCmd As ADODB.Command Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set qryCmd = New ADODB.Command With qryCmd .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection .CommandText...
  16. dftjsn

    Query Recordset Too Few Parameters

    Rac2, Thanks for your response. qrySelectedProjectCitations is actually the name of the query. It is not a string variable so it should be enclosed in quotes. The error message I get is -2147217904 "No value given for one or more required parameters". Evidently the values for...
  17. dftjsn

    Query Recordset Too Few Parameters

    I'm trying to open an ADO Recordset with the following: Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset Dim ProjectORGID As String Dim ProjectISNUMBER As Long ProjectORGID = "ZZZZDEMO" ProjectISNUMBER = 1 rst.Open "qrySelectedProjectCitations&quot...
  18. dftjsn

    PopUp form on a StartUp Switchboard

    VicM/Moxy1, Thanks for your suggestions. The On Activate event didn't work. The Pop Up still appeared before the main switchboard form. Using the On Timer event, however, did work. I put the code DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPopUp" in the On Timer event of the Main Switchboard form and set...
  19. dftjsn

    PopUp form on a StartUp Switchboard

    I have a switchboard form that is being displayed at startup (Tools>Startup>Display Form/Page). I would like to be able to pop up a form on top of this startup switchboard to prompt the user to enter something while still letting them see the startup switchboard form. My problem is that I only...
  20. dftjsn

    OnCurrent Event Firing Twice on Subform

    Isadore, Thanks. I think I follow what you say ... assign the subform recordsource when the user clicks the tab to move to the subform. Unfortunately, the OnCurrent event still fires for the subform when then main (tabcontrol) form is loaded. I get error messages because the OnCurrent event...

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