I just bought a second hand Cisco 2505 and dont have the privilege password. I just want to blank the router and begin from the beginning again. How do I go about doing this?
Can someone help me set up this query. table_x has 4 fields
Date (date/time), Cust ID(number), count_1(number) and
count_2(number). Typically for each day a cust will have a
record and have the 2 count fields filled with assorted
Ive been trying update a one of the count fields for...
I know this isnt directly ASP but just wanted to know if anyone had the answer. I have a form on an asp where a people enter a lot of text. Inevitably they split up the data with new paragraphs. However, unless you physically enter <br><br> into the text field it does not display a line break on...
But if you style the cell then it doubles the line thickness when it touches another cell. Surely it can be done, Ive seen it done in so many forums, bulletin boards etc. e.g. http://www.forumplanet.com/sportplanet/ You can see the table they use has the thin line.
Agreed, cookies are the simple to create and you can also have include a few lines of code in each page to check it is present and throw out users if it isnt.
That gives me to thick a line, like the table at the bottom of the page (the one that contains "email this thread, top of page, next thread etc). What I need is the same thickness of line created by my previously posted code. Any ideas?
How do I put a small 1 pixel black line along my table borders. I have used the following code but it only fills the outside edges with the line.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"...
Im looking to sort a repeat region by the date field as default. Easily done i.e. ORDER BY date. I want to add functionality that lets you sort by other fields e.g. name, address etc etc. Going back to the ORDER BY [field] statement, is it possible to make this dynamic? Or would I need to...
Can someone figure out a solution for this please as im beyond puzzled.
Im passing a date from ASP page 1, to ASP page 2 via URL Parameter. Page 2 then filters recordset by the date in URL parameter. Heres what I cant figure out however. If I pass through a date like 21/07/2002 (i.e. a date...
Thanks Mark, added that bit in but its still pulling records back in american format. Heres the code im using, any help would be very much appreciated.
<!--#include file="Connections/Exceptions.asp" -->
<% Session.LCID = 2057 %>
Dim Recordset1__appdate_sql
Im developing a small ASP/Access 2000 driven tool at the moment. I want to pass a date from page1.asp as a URL Parameter to page2.asp. Page2.asp then filters the data which equals the date from the URL Parameter....simple stuff. But no!! In dreamweaver MX when I test the data with a UK date it...
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