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Search results for query: *

  1. bobisto

    Best Code Font

    It is not Andale Mono. Thank you.
  2. bobisto

    Best Code Font

    Can you give your opinion on what is a good code font and which font are you using. The reason for this is because i use Courier New but it is not the best font. I saw some good font but can't find it. I saw this font on one MSDN TV epizode. Here is the link...
  3. bobisto

    Scroll has gone

    I've an order form. Form has textboxes, comboboxes, ... .First user fills the data and click check button. On that click I check the fields, and if the fields are not ok then page is post back and he see the errors. If everything is ok then i post a querystring parameter to the same form with...
  4. bobisto

    Scroll has gone

    I've a aspx page. On the body of the page I've set scroll=yes. The page contain a sumbit button. When the button is pressed, something is checked on the database and Server.Transfer is executed to target the same page. When the page is shown for the first time it has vertical scroll back. When...
  5. bobisto

    How to work on the same solution

    I have a solution with 5 projects. How to work with a team of 10 programmers on the same solution and not having problems with it.
  6. bobisto

    XML Validation

    I don't now what is your myObj but try this code that work for me: static string ErrorMessage = ""; static int ErrorsCount = 0; public static bool ValidateXml(ref string ReturnMessage, string xmlFile, string xsdFile) { try { ErrorMessage = ""; // Declare local objects...
  7. bobisto

    Space between words in enum type?

    With Enum you will have restriction, you can't have free text format. So if you need exactly what you need as a text description for the option which can have spaces and special characters you must use class inherited from UITypeEditor: Here is a complete code: /// <summary> ///...
  8. bobisto

    Custom textbox control

    With Enum you will have restriction, you can't have free text format. So if you need exactly what you need as a text description for the option which can have spaces and special characters you must use class inherited from UITypeEditor: Here is a complete code: /// <summary> /// Specifies...
  9. bobisto

    Remove Last Character from String Variable

    ThatRickGuy have got a star but his shorter solution will return only X. stnkyminky has the correct and also .Net solution.
  10. bobisto

    Trying to create a new .NET web page... getting error

    Try registering asp.net. Open .Net Command Promt and type : aspnet_regiis /i The command will register asp.net in your IIS.
  11. bobisto

    Passing a variable to a stored procedure

    You shouln't add parameter to a command on mouse click. Every time you click that button, the parameter is added. You should just set that previously added parameter to some value. Use a Sql Profiler to see the sql statement. See does that statement will execute in Query analizer.
  12. bobisto

    VB.NET and PGP.

    I have similar problem except it is opposite. I've decrypted many files and when I start decryption, error was raised that can not use the key because is already used. So I've solved with processes. Create a process for encryption job. Wait that process to end and then you can encrypt again.
  13. bobisto

    month b/w 2 dates (inclusive)

    I've created a function. Maybe is not perfect but it works. Sory because the code is in C#. public static int DateTimeMonthsSpan(DateTime DateTime1, DateTime DateTime2) { int i = 0; int sign; DateTime1 = DateTime1.AddDays(1 - DateTime1.Day); DateTime2 = DateTime2.AddDays(1 -...
  14. bobisto

    Using C# classes in VB.net

    You can have two projects. Firs will be C# Class Library and the second will be Visual Basic Windows Application. Then add a reference to the VB project and select a project tab and select first project. Now when you build VB app, first c# dll will be bulded and after that vb app. This allow you...
  15. bobisto

    Parse XML string

    ReadXml have many overloads but the one you need is : ReadXml(StreamReader) here is an examble: ds.ReadXml(new StringReader(strVariable));
  16. bobisto

    Debugging problem

    I've once simular problem to this. When I was in debug mode, when line like SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}") was executed, i lost contact with my VStudio. Then i press CTRL+ALT+Delete then Cancel and everything was fine. Then I desided to acomplish that behaviour differently. So the solution for me was...
  17. bobisto

    Parse XML string

    You need to create xsd schema for xml string. Then instance a new dataset and execute his two methods ReadXmlSchema and ReadXml. By the way your xml string is incomplete. tag1 and tag2 must be enclosed in some element like: <tags> <tag1>Tag 1 Value</tag1> <tag2> Tag 2 Value</tag2> </tags>
  18. bobisto

    Debugging problem

    If compiler execute a statement with errors and there is't a catch statement that catches that error then it goes to Application.Run line of main method. Try with System.Exception class of exception in the catch statement.
  19. bobisto

    DataSet inherit problem

    in the first sample code I notice that you have sintax error with parenthesis: if (this.dataHolder.HasChanges(DataRowState.Modified)) { DataSet tempDS = this.dataHolder.GetChanges (DataRowState.Modified); if [COLOR=red]([/color red]tempDS.Tables.ContainsDataHolder.TableNameProdDataPre)...
  20. bobisto

    Very specific problem

    Computer is with Soltek 845 motherboard and have an Inno3D 440 64MB graphic card. The problem starts when I’ve put the parts together. The computer beeped like there isn't graphic card. So firs thing that I do was to clear cmos. After that the computer worked fine. From that time until now and...

Part and Inventory Search
