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Search results for query: *

  1. BBirkett

    Upgrade the DLL

    When you right click on your Project Name, and select properties, one of the tabs has a compatibilities option group. There is No Compatibility, Project Compatibility, and Binary Compatibility. These options control among other things, when new class guids are created for your objects. ie, No...
  2. BBirkett

    MVC in Windows Environment

    Hey everyone, I need a design pattern expert to help take me over the line here. I think i have quite a good understanding of the theory of the Model View Controller pattern after reading a dozen articles on the topic - here is my understanding so far and please correct me if i'm wrong...
  3. BBirkett

    Access Meter Usage DB

    Hey everyone, I have a small project I would like to share with you all for some ideas... Monthly, i'm receiving electricity usage meter totals along with the date the meters were read for a whole range of different meter numbers. ie. Meter ID MeterNumber MeterTotal DateRead The meter...
  4. BBirkett

    UML Case Study wanted - Problem Description, Solution, Implementation

    Talk about a message in a bottle! I happen to have a book sitting beside my keyboard now that is almost exactly what you want - except the examples are vb not java. Developing Applications With Visual Basic And UML. Paul R Reed Jr ISBN 0-201-61579-7 I regularly return to this book to revise...
  5. BBirkett

    Writing Extensible programs with COM and VB

    Thanks for your responses chiph. You might be interested to know that VB.Net solves the problems of having to register the progId's in the registery, or inis or flat files etc. Since .Net assemblies are complete self describing entities, there is no more need to use the registery or any...
  6. BBirkett

    Friend vs. Public vs. Private

    stnkyminky... If you declared the Sub in Class1 as private you would have the same result in your intellisense menu. The difference that friend makes, is that other classes in the same dll file as Class1, CAN access the member. Thought this might add to your understanding, Brett. Brett...
  7. BBirkett

    SMTP Sending Mail Twice to Recipients

    Hi cjircita, I had a quick look at your code, and I'm afraid I have to suggest you learn how to split your code into modules. Look up the words cohesion and coupling in google to get an idea of what I am talking about. A big part of programming is in planning, design, documentation, and a...
  8. BBirkett

    Sort of redirection question

    The only way I have found to fix this is to set your browser options (im using IE example) to Tools -> Internet Options -> Settings Button -> Check for newer versions of page = Every Visit. See if this works! Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst
  9. BBirkett

    "Object variable or With block variable not set" error

    Hey cmetters... I am almost 100% sure that the error will be inside your dll function which you've called <function name> (request). Whatever this function is... go into the source for it. You will be using an object that hasn't had an instance properly created with the SET keyword. Also...
  10. BBirkett

    Replace &quot; (double quotes)

    Hey timtom... If you find you are working with lots and lots of double quotes, the &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; way can get quite messy. An alternative is to use: mystring = Replace(mystring, Chr(34), &quot;&quot;) But like I said, its only really a benefit for cases involving lots and lots of...
  11. BBirkett

    database driven webpage

    Your code looks fine to me... that is if conn.open(&quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot;&Server.MapPath(&quot;/saivandana/odbc_exmp.mdb&quot;)) has just wrapped in this window?? I would check your connection string (above). your code is ok, so it must be something to...
  12. BBirkett

    Need to know some basics from those of you who have experience!

    Hi LucyL, It all depends on the purpose of the application, whether or not an online db application is the right choice. The biggest benefit I can think about for you off the top of my head (and one you can use to sell to clients) is this: All companies consist of information systems...
  13. BBirkett

    error checking Session variable.

    Are you sure it refers to this line? If so... then what is the line that first creates the Session variable? Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst
  14. BBirkett

    why do I have to reboot my IIS5???

    scroce: Something is going wrong with the inner workings of an IIS process when you try to access the database while it is open. It should just let you close access and keep working as normal, but you know microsoft! Instead, your IIS's process seems to be getting jammed somehow when this...
  15. BBirkett

    Send Mail in IIS using ASP

    Yes there is a dll file in your [winnt|windows]\system32 directory called cdonts.dll If the file is not there, then you will need to copy it in there and regsvr32 it. Just to state the obvious... the dll file must be registered on your webservers machine, not the client machine you are...
  16. BBirkett

    Writing Extensible programs with COM and VB

    Hey everyone... I found a good example that solves some issues: http://www.microsoft.com/MSJ/0797/snapins.htm The whole thing is with Visual C++ examples, so if anybody can get me started with some VB examples that would be great. Thanks. Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst
  17. BBirkett

    Parentheses not allowed?

    Is the WScript object installed on your webserver? Brett Birkett B.Comp Systems Analyst
  18. BBirkett

    database driven webpage

    What does the page not displayed? Are you getting a browser error but no specific line error?? Do you have Response.Buffer = True at the top of your code?? That will stop error messages from showing... Put Response.Buffer = False to fix. Otherwise, it is your free hosts IIS settings stopping...
  19. BBirkett

    why do I have to reboot my IIS5???

    Have you tried going into Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Internet Services Manager when this happens. You can right click the default website, click properties, goto the Home Directory tab, then click on the unload button. You could also try stopping and starting the default website (or the...
  20. BBirkett

    Writing Extensible programs with COM and VB

    That Number 3 point is the only part that I don't know how to do.... How do you determine what the ProgId is when the object doesn't exist yet? ie... You write the main program that supports plugins... the main program would be the one that does the CreateObject(sMyPlugInProgId)... but how do...

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